In Oakland, campaign seeking recall of Alameda County DA is set to gather signatures /* recall vote in Nov

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Group seeking to oust Alameda County DA Pamela Price to begin collecting signatures​

Sep. 28, 2023

Opponents of Alameda County District Attorney Pamela Price, left, were permitted to begin collecting tens of thousands of signatures needed to put a potential recall measure on the ballot.

Opponents of Alameda County District Attorney Pamela Price, left, were permitted to begin collecting tens of thousands of signatures needed to put a potential recall measure on the ballot.

Opponents of Alameda County District Attorney Pamela Price have five months to gather more than 73,000 voter signatures — the last step to get their recall measure on the ballot — after the registrar of voters approved their petition on Wednesday.

The effort to unseat Price, a progressive former civil rights attorney, has been building since residents and community organizers started a recall committee in July. Called Save Alameda for Everyone, the group rallied support from crime victims and residents frustrated with a rash of robberies and carjackings in Oakland.

“People are being murdered, assaulted, robbed, car-jacked in broad daylight,” committee spokesperson Brenda Grisham said in a statement announcing the petition’s approval. Grisham’s teenage son, Christopher LaVell Jones, was shot and killed in Oakland in 2010.

Price took office at the beginning of the year amid a national effort to elect reform-oriented prosecutors to top law enforcement seats. The idea: undo years of systemic mass incarceration at the local level by enacting policies to reduce sentences and stop trying youths as adults. Like many of her peers, Price also promised to aggressively investigate and prosecute police misconduct.

She landed in the national spotlight, considered the latest test for the movement after a successful recall of another progressive district attorney, Chesa Boudin, in San Francisco. Critics began blasting Price almost as soon as she took office. Among them were members of the Oakland NAACP, who blamed various leaders for what they considered a public safety crisis, and prosecutors who left Price’s office to work for other Bay Area district attorneys.

A spokesperson for Price’s campaign was not immediately available to comment on Thursday. Representatives of the recall campaign said they have 160 days to collect 73,195 valid signatures.