Important Read For My Coli Brehs: My Pu55y Rate Skyrocketed Once I Became "Desperate" For Pu55y


May 20, 2012
Atl, Ga by way of Alabama
So I'm reading through this thread and it looks like dudes really do have a hard time getting play from the opposite sex:

Are dudes really starving for p*ssy like that?

This ain't no "brag" thread but ima try to give a little advice for those of you who have trouble getn your dikks wet. Anybody else whose good with the ladies feel free to drop game also.

Yes you read the threadtitle correctly. Once I became DESPERATE for pu55y is when my mentality started to change. I knew that if I wanted play I was gonna have to throw myself in the fire. Shyness and being timid was getting me nowhere. I was a virgin out of high school and only had 2-3 bodies at like 25. I made the conscious decision to not let myself grow old full of regrets. Too many dudes around me was getting pu55y, why not me?

I remember working at a restaurant washing dishes a long time ago and one of my co-workers was a fat, out of shape dude. Now this dude had personality out the ass. Was funny and was always hollering at the cute females that would come eat. A new chick was hired one day as a waitress. Cute as fukk. Bout a week later I see them going out to his car on break together, I already knew what time it was. Bout a month goes by and he's showing me pics of her in his phone. He was smashing. I knew for a FACT that I was way better looking than him but I also was shy and timid at the time so I got no play. If I had the balls to speak, I probably woulda been the one smashing:mjcry:

Remember : the guys who get the most pu55y get rejected the most.

^^^ this is a saying that you must remember. First off, as a man you must keep in mind that its up to YOU to pursue what you want. It is NOT in a woman's DNA to approach men. If you want pu55y you gotta go out and get it. Don't let these other dudes shame you into thinking hollering at women in abundance is being "thirsty". Fukk it, maybe it is being "thirsty" but who cares if the result is smashing something :dahell:

Most of the females I get are a result of cold approaches. Just straight up walking up to a chick, asking her name, giving a small compliment and chatting it up. I'm hella direct and aggressive. Women love aggressivess. Aggressiveness as in walking right up to her, looking her in the eyes and telling her that you thought she was kinda cute so you had to come over and say something.

Most men are deathly afraid of this. I was at one point. We all have been in that situation where we see a female in the grocery isle alone and want to say something but can't :hamster:

The regret of not saying anything has haunted us all. Its happened to me personally many many times:mjcry:

Then one day I saw this chick as I was checking out of Wal-Mart early one morning. She was behind me next in line. Dark, chocolate thin sista. My heart started racing and palms got sweaty because I knew I had to say something to her. After I finished checking out I walked real slow to the exit because I saw that she only had a couple of items and would be exiting too soon. I stalled and soon enough she came up behind me and I said something like "what you doing out this early" (keep in mind this was my VERY FIRST TIME doing this so I really had no idea what I was doing or was gonna say)

She said something back I can't remember (this was probably over a decade ago). And then I straight up said "so let me get your number, you kinda cute". Her response was she smiled and said "awww thank you but I got a boyfriend". That's it!!!! She didn't cop an attitude. She didn't take out a shotgun and blow my head off. That's it. Just a thank you but I'm taken.

That single moment changed my life because I had overcame a fear of approaching random females. Even though I had gotten "rejected" I felt so proud of myself:wow:

After that moment I started doing it more and more with success. I honed my convo skills and pretty soon I found my phone full of phone numbers of different females I was smashing or in the process of smashing.

Now, your own self-confidence comes into play also when doing this. I love working out so whenever I approach a female, in 90% confident that she WILL find me physically attractive. That confidence gives me fuel to do it. Some of you may not have that confidence in your looks and I'm not really sure how to help you besides suggest hitting the gym yourself and dress and groom yourself nice. Carry yourself like a MAN, not a little boy. Do cardio exercises. That will slim your face and make you more facially attractive.

I can type all day on this subject but ultimately you have to change how you feel about yourself in order to succeed with women. I was there myself so I know the feeling.

Fast forward today and I'm a h0e. Im transitioning out of this phase because its not as fulfilling as it once was but I know I became the way I am mainly because I was a late bloomer as far as females.

I smashed 2 new females this past weekend. Here's one of em.


^^^ Now this chick I met a little over a month ago. I was driving home around 11pm on a regular middle of the week night and I saw her at a gas station pumping gas. Her thickness made me hit the :whoo:while driving.

I passed the gas station and hit a U-turn to get back. I could see that she was almost done so I scanned her car to make sure she was alone and parked at the pump beside her. By this time she had just gotten in her car bout to drive off.

I LITERALLY jogged over to her and knocked on her window. Of course she had the :merchant:on her face at first since she's a woman and its damn near 11pm.

I made sure to smile to lessen her defenses and I cut right to the point. I said "hey excuse me, may I ask you a question real quick?". She said ok. I said "may I ask you your name if you don't mind?"
She kinda laughed nervously and said why. I then broke it down to her bluntly. I told her verbatim that I was driving past, saw her and turned around all just because I thought she was attractive.

She gave me a smile and a "wow really?" Her body language and facial expression told me that she was interested in hearing more so I immediately asked if she had a man in which she told me no.

I wrapped it up by saying "well I don't wanna hold you, what if I asked for your number?" She said that was cool and she gave me the number.

That was it. :yeshrug:
Was I being "thirsty" by hitting a u-turn and doing all of that? Maybe. Maybe not. But I couldn't care less as those backshots were amazing a few weeks later :ohlawd:

That was just 1 example.

Fellas, there's so much pu55y out there its not funny. You as a man have to go pursue. Rejection IS gonna happen but being rejected feels 10X better than that feeling of regret.

My main piece of advice is to throw yourself in the fire one time. Get that first rejection out the way. After that, you will build up a tolerance for it. I've been rejected and forgot about it the same day.

Maybe these words will motivate some of you but ultimately its up to YOU. Again, women love a direct and aggressive man. Don't be afraid to tell a chick straight up that you thought she was cute. Always make direct eye contact and smile (after all you are a stranger).

Im not saying pu55y is everything but it is important for most of our own self-esteem. What man doesn't want to bed a beautiful woman every now and then :dahell:

At the end of the day, work on yourself first and foremost but I've met some of the most broke and dustiest of dudes getting women. That's where being not afraid to shoot your shot comes into play. Sometimes just being that guy who had the nerves to say something will make you more attractive even if you don't got it like that,

I would post some more pics for y'all for motivation but I don't have any not showing the face. Again, this ain't a brag thread, just tryna motivate a few of y'all.

There's too much pu55y out there for y'all to be sitting around wit a dry dikk. No excuses :ufdup:

Oh yea, 1 more thing. Remember that there is no set words or phrases to say. What works for me might not work for you. If you think what I do is "corny" who gives a shyt. It works for me. I just find that being completely blunt and giving a small compliment is the best approach. I don't do long-winded convos about nothing. I get straight to the point. There's no magical words.

90% of it is having the balls to do it. The other 10% is not saying anything stupid. Your approach may be corny as hell but the fact you had the balls to say something in the first place and thought you were kinda cute might get you the draws.

You only have 1 life. Dont grow old full of regrets that you didn't say anything on some


Peace, hope this motivates somebody out there :salute:

Carlton Banks

Upper Class
Dec 9, 2014
Very motivational thread breh. One of the very few users on here that produce quality threads. Salute :salute:

I used to be that guy for a brief few years after high school. My issue now is, since tricking and just ordering my p*ssy now like it's a pizza, it's hard to break out of my "IDGAF" attitude. Meaning I don't even be caring to holla at chicks cuz it's so easy to just hit a chick up and throw a couple dollars at her for the p*ssy. That plus I don't have to text/call and talk to them at all. It's so convenient. Idk, I kinda wanna go back to the old me just to see if I still got it... But a big part of me just don't care anymore... I guess it's the "getting to know them" part and fake caring about their lives that I'm annoyed by. I just want the puss and that's it. No conversations, texting, hanging out, etc...


Dec 16, 2015
I only fukk chicks off of reddit or backpage...:yeshrug:

Easy. Clean. Simple.

Don't give a real name, use a burner phone, walk away after I am done, we don't talk to each other ever again.

Other than that...

Hollering at chicks and getting to know them and shyt ain't the wave for me...

But I ain't desperate for p*ssy, its literally a click away. Plus I an highly selective and I can get exactly what I want thru the internet.

I think most dudes want female acknowledgement and validation and they think fukking bytches will give them that.

If you want p*ssy, go online, it's more efficient and faster.

If you want female validation...then there is something wrong with you.
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Dec 16, 2016
I only fukk chicks off of reddit or backpage...:yeshrug:

Easy. Clean. Simple.

Don't give a real name, use a burner phone, walk away after I am done, we don't talk to each other ever again.

Other than that...

Hollering at chicks and getting to know them and shyt ain't the wave for me...

But I ain't desperate for p*ssy, its literally a click away. Plus I an highly selective and I can get exactly what I want thru the internet.

I think most dudes want female acknowledgement and validation and they think fukking bytches will give them that.

If you want p*ssy, go online, it's more efficient and faster.

If you want female validation...then there is something wrong with you.
You fukking bytches off reddit breh?:ohhh:

Explain if you will.


Dec 16, 2015
You fukking bytches off reddit breh?:ohhh:

Explain if you will.

There's reddit forums like R4R...


Then there's dogging and gloryholes and orgy parties...

You can fukk hella bytches...for free...with no hassle...

You can even get a submissive/slave if you wanted...