Impact World Champion Tessa Blanchard FIRED from Impact amid racism, bullying, and insubordination


Jan 8, 2014
Dallas, TX
I don't trust none of these "allies" At any point they can turn on us and side with the enemy and be fine because of that privilege. They talk spicy but when they're put in a real situation they show their true colors
The funny thing is that she never had a problem tweeting out about racism when it was happening to her, but now she doesn't think tweeting is a good way to address this situation. :stopitslime:


Jul 7, 2015
South Florida
:mjlol: stuff like this makes me glad I moved on from wrestling
I stepped away from wrestling towards the end of last year, and I can't say that I've missed it that much. Wrestling has always had a high concentration of racists, but what's truly pathetic is the number of bootlickers amongst the wrestlers and fanbase.
Obviously not all of us, but there is an unsettlingly high amount of us who pride ourselves on being tokens; the black friend who validates white bullshyt. These nikkas are that Khalid Muhammad quote personified. Everytime one of us tries to point out fukk shyt, they are there to downplay, gaslight, and deflect, all with the hope of being told that they are, "one of the good ones."
Yep, all of this. Low brow entertainment attracts low brow people.


May 1, 2012
she's always with Dreamer

Speaking of Dreamer.

"I texted Tessa, she didn't get back to me. I went and spoke to her at the show. She was not in a good place mentally because it becomes almost like gang warfare where everyone jumps on the hot topic," he said. "I would state that I have a great relationship with her. I also have a great relationship with a lot of the other women that were talking about her. I was not there. I do know that there was a very physical confrontation between her and this other wrestler that led to a physical brawl. Sometimes, in the heat of battle, you say things that you will regret. Or, if you're in a physical fight, you may not have a regret with that person. I know that Tessa used to date a famous wrestler who's in WWE that is African American [Ricochet]. I know Tessa is currently engaged to Daga, who is Mexican. I do not feel that Tessa is racist. I could 99.9% say that Tessa has never shown -- when I first met Tessa, a lot of people said, 'Watch this girl' and told me some things about her. I formulate my opinion for how somebody treats me. I also understand that people treat me differently because I'm Tommy Dreamer or I'm helping out behind the scenes. I remember one time, she comes up and says, 'I don't think you like me.' I said, 'I don't even know you. Let me get to know you.' She said, 'Fair enough.' That was it."

Dreamer went on to tell stories of how wrestlers used to drink and drive, how Paul Heyman would illegally bounce checks, and how he remembers physical confrontations in the ECW locker room where certain language was used, but that didn't mean the person should be identified as a racist. Dreamer's encompassing point was that "people make mistakes."

Dreamer continued, "I think Tessa will eventually address it. I don't know about the bullying thing. Yes, the whole supporting of other people, I think it comes with maturity. Tessa has done nothing wrong in her time with IMPACT Wrestling that I have seen. She will probably address it. I don't know the situation. But when I say it's gang mentality, I was in an arena full of wrestling fans chanting her name. I was in a locker room with every wrestler in the back supporting her. And turn a negative into a positive, just because not everybody has all the facts."


Norrin Radd

To me, my board!
Jun 9, 2013
Despite making history with a triumphant victory over Sami Callihan for the Impact World Championship at Hard To Kill, Tessa Blanchard has come under fire over accusations about her conduct with La Rosa Negra, a prominent icon in the Latin American pro wrestling community.

On Saturday evening after a tweet was made by Blanchard about women supporting each other, several female wrestlers went on record to blast Blanchard's past conduct, notably her using a racial slur in 2017 at La Rosa Negra.

Earlier today, La Rosa Negra uploaded the video above giving her side of the alleged incident, and how she is glad that this situation was brought up. She noted in the video that she doesn't expect an apology. Instead, she would just like to move on from the incident, as well as hope that Blanchard can learn from this mistake.

"When I saw those tweets, I was in shock and impressed because, since 2017, people have been pushing me to speak about something that isn't necessary," La Rosa Negra began. "I don't like to talk about my personal life. I like to keep myself private. Reading all of those fellow wrestlers' tweets that supported me and reading their names, it surprised me. And reading the non-wrestlers' comments, I said 'I have to do something.' Because it isn't how it says it was. Maybe people took it wrong. I don't want to be overexposed with this. The female wrestlers know what really happened and why I didn't say anything. Now, I want to clear things up.

"Working in the U.S. and Japan, I didn't disrespect anybody - no female wrestlers, promoters, sponsors, or any fans. That's not me. People who know me know how I am. Everywhere I've worked, they can tell you how I behave. I don't like to talk mean about people. I was there supporting people that helped me or didn't. I don't expect to receive any apologies. It's not necessary. I erased what happened. I gave it to God.

"It saddens me that racism, envy, and bad things exist in sports, it will always be there. As adults, when something bad happens, we can resolve things by talking. There's always a solution. Mine was to forget what happened on that day in April of 2017 in Japan. I think this was a good experience for me because now, I know I have a lot of backup. It's impressive. I didn't know so many people knew about the situation until the Twitter thing. I feel fulfilled. I feel tickled. Nothing will dull everything that I have achieved alone."

Blanchard has denied using the slur, writing on Twitter, "not true. That's my statement and the most attention I'll give it because of how actually ridiculous it is." She has not made any other public statements regarding the incident.


said what he said
May 2, 2012
This is all reminding me that wrestling is a game of politics.

And I fukking hate politics.

Whether Tessa has been given mercy by La Rosa Negra is irrelevant, at this point.

When you call someone that certain slur, lie in denying it occurred, and pretend it never forgo forgiveness, especially to those who supported you under the assumption you weren't a racist bigot.

She owes apologies to any fan of color who gave her so much as a glance, much less bought tickets or merch.


May 7, 2012
Speaking of Dreamer.


Yeah, fukk him too.

"But they've dated minorities" stopped being an acceptable alibi roughly somewhere around the beginning of time.

I need people to realize that racism isn't something that presents itself in one form. Just anecdotally, I've met parents of friends and women I've dated that were completely cool with me, would vouch for me as a standup person, would actually try to find excuses to kick it, and say I was a genuinely good guy.

But then around their boys, you could tell that would be followed by "for a ******". It's something that we all understand, but for some reason, other folks can't seem to wrap their heads around.

I don't have to forgive Michael Vick either. You can't trust people who abuse animals to not do it to defenseless people as well.

Obviously you're free to feel how you like, but the point here is that there's contrition. He understands and accepts what he did, and is willing to learn and make amends. Homegirl is out here two tweets away from saying that we're all the racists and bullies for making things harder for her.


Feb 11, 2017
Isn't it amazing how everyone is so forgiving when the affected party is black, but any time another group is offended then the offender has to be held accountable.
We never get to be victims. Let Tesla or whatever the fukk this bytch name is, say something about Jews or the LGBT.

I bet mufuggas would hold her accountable then, and I bet these Black wrestlers defending her now, wouldn't say shyt, because they would get fired immediately.

Marc Lamont Hill tried to give his opinion on Palestine and Israel beef and got fired from his news job. Mufuggas know who they can and can't fukk with in these industries, believe it or not.