It's the inner strength..
I never could get more than 45lbs early this year, Im in a new gym where their are less meatheads and I don't know anyone to interrupt me or give unwanted advice on my exercises. I'm more focused and realize curling is getting a lot easier since I do 200 to 300 pushups with curling and 100 to 150 dips.
What is a good weight to curl. I don't wanna get too big. I'm 6'3 and 210...I'd like to also lose around 10 pounds by August. I don't have a six pack, just a flat stomach, how many sit-ups should I do and how many times a week? I have a hard time with do I get my weight up in squats.
All the help is appreciated.
What is a good weight to curl. I don't wanna get too big. I'm 6'3 and 210...I'd like to also lose around 10 pounds by August. I don't have a six pack, just a flat stomach, how many sit-ups should I do and how many times a week? I have a hard time with do I get my weight up in squats.
All the help is appreciated.