I’m a breh from P.G. County, AMA

Sankofa Alwayz

#FBADOS #B1 #D(M)V #KnowThyself #WaveGod
Feb 22, 2017
Pretty Girl County, MD
Is it true there are a lot of well off Black families down there?

If so, why P. G. County out of all places? (Not saying it's a bad place, just a question)

For the most part, yes. It’s even pockets of Black upper class wealth as well.

I think the reason why is because PG always had cheaper real estate relative to the rest of the region and many of us initially have roots in Southeast and Northeast DC, both of whom border PG separated by Southern Ave and Eastern Ave respectively. It was easier for Black people on that side of DC to relocate to PG as opposed to relocating across the bridge to Northern VA and Montgomery County has had the local reputation of being Vanilla for years despite its diversity (this label is kinda warranted at times tbh).

Sankofa Alwayz

#FBADOS #B1 #D(M)V #KnowThyself #WaveGod
Feb 22, 2017
Pretty Girl County, MD
Did your parents move from DC?

My mother and stepfather yes. My bio father is still in DC, he lives in the Barry Farm projects. The city is about to tear them down tho so Ion know where he’s gonna end up during the “revitalization” process :francis:

Sankofa Alwayz

#FBADOS #B1 #D(M)V #KnowThyself #WaveGod
Feb 22, 2017
Pretty Girl County, MD
Have you ever been to (South) Dekalb County, Georgia?

If so how do they compare?

Unfortunately I haven’t had the chance to visit the ATL region yet but I’ve heard that Dekalb County (particularly the south part) and Clayton County combined would be fairly similar to PG and I can see the parallels.

After their respective anchor cities (ATL and DC), all three counties represent the bulk of their region’s Black cultures (slang, accent, fashion, mentality, food, family ties, music output, etc.); a significant number of high earning Black households and Black Excellence for days; a decent number of hoods and sketchy areas that go nearly as hard as their counterparts in the main city if not more; just like I’m sure it is with young native Black ppl living in South Dekalb and Clayton County now regarding ATL, most young native PG Black ppl such as myself are only a generation or two removed from DC. I’m actually the first Prince Georgian and native Marylander in my whole family (prior to my birth, all my family had immediate roots in DC and Richmond, VA); it’s a lot of development going on in all three counties but there are still some areas that have remainders of their more country past, hell PG even has an area called the ‘Rural Tier’. I live in Brandywine, which is part of the Rural Tier and it’s basically the most country part of my County....Imagine developing subdivision complexes with a new expressway, a lifestyle/shopping town center complete with a movie theater and some restaurants that practically turn into lil lounges on weekend nights, long yet small in width winding back roads, and smaller, older looking houses in the cut where people sometimes would have small ranches or yard farms for a few horses, goats, donkeys, chicken, crops, etc. Something like that.

Some of those farmers be Black too :wow:

Sankofa Alwayz

#FBADOS #B1 #D(M)V #KnowThyself #WaveGod
Feb 22, 2017
Pretty Girl County, MD
Why PG nikkas hang from D.C nikkas dikks so much

Some nikkas from PG be on that “I’m from DC” shyt til they get called out on it from not just DC nikkas but fellow PG nikkas too. Just because we share the same culture doesn’t excuse false-claiming. I can understand if they use that in an OT situation where they ask them where are you from cuz not everybody would know where or what PG is and nikkas would prolly feel too lazy to give a full explanation and just wanna get to the point but if you do that here, that’s when it’s a problem. I love DC and got a good number of Washingtonian friends but I’ll prolly be one of the most proud Maryland Ass nikkas you’ll ever cross paths with. And I don’t let DC nikkas get away with talking shyt about my County either :birdman: