"A genetic analysis of Igbo samples by The African Genome Variation Project reveals that the Igbo people may have mixed with populations similar to the Khoi-San around 9,000 years ago, a people living today in southern Africa who have the oldest genetic lineage in the word."
"We also find evidence for complex and regionally distinct HG admixture across SSA (Fig. 2, Extended Data Figs 7 and Supplementary Note 5), with ancient gene flow (∼9,000 years ago) among Igbo and more recent admixture in East and South Africa (multiple events ranging from 100 years ago to 3,000 years ago), broadly consistent with historical movements reflecting the Bantu expansion. An exploration of the likeliest sources of admixture in our data suggested that HG admixture in Igbo was most closely represented by modern day Khoe-San populations rather than by rainforest HG populations (Supplementary Note 5)."
The African Genome Variation Project shapes medical genetics in Africa
HG = Hunter Gatherers
"We also find evidence for complex and regionally distinct HG admixture across SSA (Fig. 2, Extended Data Figs 7 and Supplementary Note 5), with ancient gene flow (∼9,000 years ago) among Igbo and more recent admixture in East and South Africa (multiple events ranging from 100 years ago to 3,000 years ago), broadly consistent with historical movements reflecting the Bantu expansion. An exploration of the likeliest sources of admixture in our data suggested that HG admixture in Igbo was most closely represented by modern day Khoe-San populations rather than by rainforest HG populations (Supplementary Note 5)."
The African Genome Variation Project shapes medical genetics in Africa
HG = Hunter Gatherers