It is a debate on social issues ,where a guy who has very similar political views to my own,but can articulate them much better than me, who is also a very well known british conservative (although not a member of the british conservative party because he regards them as sellouts and traitors ), debates social views with amongst others an australian feminist who has spoken often about fantasising about sleeping with underage males , and an american homosexual dan savage. Savage apparently gets paid by your american taxes to tour your colleges to speak about gay male fisting. Now if it was my taxes paying for this pretty rude and disgusting person and pretty much a walking advertisement for locking up male/ male buggery again I would have a huge objection.
Hitchens seems to be not only the one sane member of the panel,but unfortunately the only sane person in the entire audiotorium. He really went into the lions den, with an audience it seems of potheads,rampant homosexuals and other assorted freaks. I seriously hope they do not represent what australian young people have been turned into,that the liberal left have poisoned their minds . Australia totally had a reputation for being a macho and traditional country, It was funny to watch hitchens deal with the homosexual at the other end of the table, but also quite scary about what western society might be turning into.