Do you think it's worth it? I Was thinking about buying my son one,but I got a feeling Xbox or PlayStation will probably drop a game pad with the same technology maybe even better. So do y'all feel like this tech could be pulled off with other systems or I'm way off base? I tried to ask my cousin but he was acting Like a dumb ass because I asked him did he think a vita with a ir blaster could do the same shyt as a Wii u if you have move . This dude started talking about sales

I tried playing the rayman demo didn't really show off the new technology.
It depends on how much your son loves Nintendo exclusives. Nintendo just doesn't seem to have their things in order and are a company that is all over the place when it comes to their online infrastructure, 3rd party support, vision for the future, and plenty of other things.
Nintendo is relying on gimmicks to try and distant themselves in a console war they have no shot at winning with their shytty relationship with 3rd party developers since the 90s.
To answer your question about the XBOX or PS4, Microsoft will definitely work with something to include the smart glass tech. I would think sony is working on something in the background as well.
I am getting the Wii U in 2 years...after some of the nintendo piff drops that I want to play to run through and resell. I did the same with the Gamecube and Wii and have not missed anything.