Sure it's early for us, most of us are young but, so far.... do you think a movie based on your life would fill the theaters?
What kind of movie would it be? And what actor you think will kill the role playing you? Who would direct it?
Mine would go like this... The movie would be some sort of dry drama mixed with some dark comedy that only some hipsters would probably like
The actor who would play me i think would be Ben foster
The director would be some kind of european director like roman polanski or michael haneke and would probably win some silver bear award or some shyt
i know i need to get out more
What kind of movie would it be? And what actor you think will kill the role playing you? Who would direct it?
Mine would go like this... The movie would be some sort of dry drama mixed with some dark comedy that only some hipsters would probably like
The actor who would play me i think would be Ben foster
The director would be some kind of european director like roman polanski or michael haneke and would probably win some silver bear award or some shyt
i know i need to get out more