I was thinking, what if God and Lucifer were both Black as Jesus is

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
I was thinking we all know God LOVES all of his children but he always had a special place for his Black children as they were first and everyone was created them. He sent his son here as well with wooly kinky hair and bronze-golden skin tone from Egypt. He gave his black children the common sense and creativity to create religions, movements, leadership and power to stand for themselves as well as other. He blessed his other children with different traits. Then there is Lucifer. Satan was one of God's angel but God had a special role for Lucifer who was very smart, he was the covering angel. He was beautiful, smart, and love Gold and got favoritism by God.

Lucifer didn't think that was enough. He wanted more. He wanted to be higher than God because he felt he was better and could lead better. He built a hatred for God.

Isaiah 14 reveals the fall of Lucifer from the heights of heaven, which resulted in his status as the creature that he is today:

"How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning...For you have said in your heart: 'I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation on the farthest sides of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High.'"

Lucifer had wisdom, beauty, ability, perfection, and yet he wanted more; he wanted to be worshiped like God. But God does not share His glory, nor does He permit another to receive worship. So before Lucifer had a chance to make his move, he was removed from the presence of God. Cast out of heaven like a bolt of lightning, Lucifer was stripped of his beauty, his position, and his rights to heaven. Satan's constant attempt ever since has been to oppose the mighty plan of God.

While God is likely Black, so is Lucifer. Lucifer in many demonic actions seems to be a c00n. He hates himself for being a product of God but loves himself so much to the point he want the world for him own will. Lucifer in a means to re-create what God has done had his own demonic angels and his goal was to undue whatever God was doing and through any means possible.

Lucifer hates God so he will try to defy God. He knows what God looks like so he will get those who look like him to ruin themselves as he can try to collect their spirit and he get others to go v. those who aren't like God's favorite children. His self hatred is so evident that he will go great extent to kill and he knows it is easier to do it slowly instead of quickly like a python ready for his kill.

God is fully aware of Lucifer and numerous times has crushed Satan but like the movies, Satan comes back after his defeat to try to win a battle he will never win. So remember why others who are demonic go hard at you, it's not just by design, it's by spirit. Let God inside of you at this moment as he has made you special with talents to not to be used negatively like Solomon Seal or Judas Feast.

God Bless.

Mr. Somebody

Friend Of A Friend
May 10, 2012
Los Angeles
Then God is a damn c00n

nikka, you black and you still had us go through slavery and all that shyt? fukk you, bytch nikka.
But you still be happy to go to heaven if he let you in stop it, friend. :sitdown: Dont ever in your life disrespect the GOD. Thats one of those grand sins friends are not supposed to do so lets not do it, friend. Lets not hurt our chances at salvation to impress demonic internet trash.

Its so demonic, friend. :sitdown:

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
Then God is a damn c00n

nikka, you black and you still had us go through slavery and all that shyt? fukk you, bytch nikka.
God isn't a c00n. God could be that older parent who gives responsibly to all and expect you to do good but once he's had enough, he's had enough. You gotta think the Devil was own one when he was doing what he was doing. Remember mass killing happened in the Word. David almost killed ... and his army of 450 people till his praying wife spoke to David and David sparred everyone in that town.

Who's to say we didn't put ourselves in that situation at first. Our leaders at those times I mean. Full of themselves and practicing voodoo among other things in the 1400's. But don't worry, he's not done yet. When God wrath his fury, no one will question anything anymore. So those who have done wrong to use will pay the ultimate price. He will turn these so called coli atheists into deacons and those who dabble in both if they live will realize the grave mistake they made.


May 30, 2013
Enough with this Jesus is black mess, the man was a Jew. You don't send a black messenger to a Jewish crowd

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
Enough with this Jesus is black mess, the man was a Jew. You don't send a black messenger to a Jewish crowd
Jewish ain't a race and it was mainly Black back then just like Egypt. Wake up my brotha, stop buying the stuff whites be selling you. Have you thinking you are a worthless man when you are a creation of God.