I tried to be the Bigger person, don't know now


Woke Dreamer
Dec 23, 2014
:wow: y'all know my track record, I usually try and go against anything that preaches racial division or what I perceive to be racial bullshyt. but the more and more I turn on the tv, log online and especially social media, I begin seeing that it's impossible to extend the olive branch and a open hand to people.

I try and say not all Whites are bad, but more and more I'm really becoming convinced that all whites are really hate filled and evil at their very essence. it wouldn't be bad if it was just internet related shyt because I expect dumb shyt on the net, but adding the net shyt with real world experiences and I don't know what the fukk is up.

Had a caucasian manager, this dude really tried to kill 42 hours owned to me on a check because I quit. now, I didn't get fired, I didn't get written up, nothing bad was on my record at this job. I was getting awards whenever possible, making the business look proper and the whole 9. I quit because of money not being enough and wanting to get into a different field, this p*ssy deleted 42 hours owed to me and would've not cut me a check had I not stayed on his ass about getting the money owed to me. to top it off, the fakkit see's me in public one night and like "Hey, hows the job search going" :francis: the tone and facial expression said more than what he verbalized and I thought about punching this fakkit in his mouth. but I kept my cool, told him the real and he was like :ehh: which pissed me off more because he expected me to be doing bad and regretting quitting.

:mjcry: I'm almost at wit's end with society, especially caucasian's. You do nothing wrong to them and they still find a way to disrespect and demean you. then the snakey ass double-talk and shyt they do.... the biggest thing that fukks me up is I know that this racial divide in America is engineered and being actively promoted and pushed but it's a lose lose game.

You turn the other cheek and you still get shytted on
You fight back and you die


(my fault, just felt like ranting off some steam)


Woke Dreamer
Dec 23, 2014
I understand, but always keep it balanced. Don't paint with a broad brush but always be cautious history dictates that and an well informed breh should know to be that based on trends and trajectory

Breh, I'm frustrated. I could see if I was one of the users on here who talks shyt about whites then see em in public and be all buddy buddy two faced, I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt but when it comes to caucasians, that shyt always backfires. like i said, I know it's a game and it's all engineered behind the scenes meaning that any path I take or option I choose is set up for me to lose. this shyt is just mind numbingly insane to me. like how do you just have hatred for another ethnic group? I don't go around saying "fukk whitey" or "kill all crackas" or none of that shyt, even be trying to preach unity of humanity at times but that shyt just seems like it's pointless now.

You do wrong and you're a ******
You do no wrong and you're still a ******



All Star
Oct 30, 2014
:wow: y'all know my track record, I usually try and go against anything that preaches racial division or what I perceive to be racial bullshyt. but the more and more I turn on the tv, log online and especially social media, I begin seeing that it's impossible to extend the olive branch and a open hand to people.

I try and say not all Whites are bad, but more and more I'm really becoming convinced that all whites are really hate filled and evil at their very essence. it wouldn't be bad if it was just internet related shyt because I expect dumb shyt on the net, but adding the net shyt with real world experiences and I don't know what the fukk is up.

Had a caucasian manager, this dude really tried to kill 42 hours owned to me on a check because I quit. now, I didn't get fired, I didn't get written up, nothing bad was on my record at this job. I was getting awards whenever possible, making the business look proper and the whole 9. I quit because of money not being enough and wanting to get into a different field, this p*ssy deleted 42 hours owed to me and would've not cut me a check had I not stayed on his ass about getting the money owed to me. to top it off, the fakkit see's me in public one night and like "Hey, hows the job search going" :francis: the tone and facial expression said more than what he verbalized and I thought about punching this fakkit in his mouth. but I kept my cool, told him the real and he was like :ehh: which pissed me off more because he expected me to be doing bad and regretting quitting.

:mjcry: I'm almost at wit's end with society, especially caucasian's. You do nothing wrong to them and they still find a way to disrespect and demean you. then the snakey ass double-talk and shyt they do.... the biggest thing that fukks me up is I know that this racial divide in America is engineered and being actively promoted and pushed but it's a lose lose game.

You turn the other cheek and you still get shytted on
You fight back and you die


(my fault, just felt like ranting off some steam)
.....or maybe the guy was just an a$$hole

just saying

you could have been cheated by a black guy or asian or indian guy whos only motivation was to be a greedy a$$hole - money knows no color


All Star
Oct 30, 2014
Breh, I'm frustrated. I could see if I was one of the users on here who talks shyt about whites then see em in public and be all buddy buddy two faced, I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt but when it comes to caucasians, that shyt always backfires. like i said, I know it's a game and it's all engineered behind the scenes meaning that any path I take or option I choose is set up for me to lose. this shyt is just mind numbingly insane to me. like how do you just have hatred for another ethnic group? I don't go around saying "fukk whitey" or "kill all crackas" or none of that shyt, even be trying to preach unity of humanity at times but that shyt just seems like it's pointless now.

You do wrong and you're a ******
You do no wrong and you're still a ******


again - the way racism works is any thinng negative that goes on - you attribute to someone being racist - not just being a a$$hole

if you looking for an offense and to be offended for X reason - you can pretty much find someone to offend you and you will attribute it to that one


Woke Dreamer
Dec 23, 2014
again - the way racism works is any thinng negative that goes on - you attribute to someone being racist - not just being a a$$hole

if you looking for an offense and to be offended for X reason - you can pretty much find someone to offend you and you will attribute it to that one

say what you want, but nah definitely not what you said. I know the difference between a$$holes and racists. but thanks for your input


All Star
Oct 30, 2014
little confusing - you say you dont want to cast all white people in the same light but then you go on to say what a dikk move (and racist ) some white guy is to you and then say its hard to deal with white people

so... your "no" kinda means "yes" -

just saying


Dec 16, 2015
All White people are racist...since it's' a group power thing...

But it doesn't mean all White people are bad...


Woke Dreamer
Dec 23, 2014
So this is how people turn into @DrX :dead:
I don't know breh, I just feel like it's bullshyt. like why the fukk do you hate me off GP? I can see if I was out here knocking them over they heads for they bread, they wallets or cars and shyt. but I'm not. I don't do shyt to caucasians, I don't be online preaching "fukk whitey" or none of that and yet and still I feel the blanketed effects of the hate they have.

You speak up online about how a picture or comment made by a caucasian is inflammatory or racist and they come back with bullshyt dikk head comments like,
"But blacks suppose to be the most toughest, and y'all hurt over a joke" (the "joke" was 2 white bytches in blackface saying "Damn, so happy to finally be a nikka")
"It's just a joke bro, stop being so sensitive, p*ssy"
"Oh look, blacks mad at jokes again"

and I'm on the other end reading these comments and I'm angry, I'm hurt, I'm lost like how the fukk do you even find it within your fakkit ass minds to assume that because black users are angry over these 2 bytches in black face with the added comment of "Damn, so happy to finally be a nikka" that it's because we are soft skinned or overly sensitive?

shyt bothers me, again because I'm usually the dumbass trying to preach unity or fairness n shyt. and it's just becoming too much. I don't really follow @DrX like that to know his transformation or history but if he started out like me and is now super anti-white, I might can understand it.

smh, shyt is sad breh :wow:


Aug 26, 2015
In regards to social media I'm losing my filter. I'm in South Texas and I deal with white worshiping Mexicans, blacks who are in a position of power like law enforcement, and whites I argue with on this far right politics spectrum they parrot from those who fukk them over.

I'm in a mostly blue collar town so that's part of it. I'm a unicorn in the sense I'm a black guy in technology and get paid very well. Well traveled and well educated. I'm a threat to many of these people's belief systems.

I'm just tired of this backwardness so I just decided to alleviate myself of stuff that bothers me.


Knicks: 93 til infinity
May 3, 2012
Brussels, Belgium
In regards to social media I'm losing my filter. I'm in South Texas and I deal with white worshiping Mexicans, blacks who are in a position of power like law enforcement, and whites I argue with on this far right politics spectrum they parrot from those who fukk them over.

I'm in a mostly blue collar town so that's part of it. I'm a unicorn in the sense I'm a black guy in technology and get paid very well. Well traveled and well educated. I'm a threat to many of these people's belief systems.

I'm just tired of this backwardness so I just decided to alleviate myself of stuff that bothers me.

That's the thing I believe. From a perspective in Europe, I'm pretty sure the rise of xenophoby is linked to the fact that more and more people of minorities are now well-traveled, well-educated, know the country's history and know their own history...basically it's harder to sell them bs. Big difference, with all due respect, to previous generations.

I've always seen it like this : if you're a minority who manages to build and be succesful, you have a double advantage : you are now in the "majority world" (since more often than not, that's what you have to do to be succesfull) but also know the "minority world", since that's where you come from. That's something someone from the majority will NEVER have. I think that adds to the "threat" aspect : you litteraly know things they don't, and you had to work harder to make it to where you are. I think they know that, and they know that given equal opportunity you'll end up being their boss given all of this. Hence closing doors by any way they can.