I think this sums up this Gen for Sony


Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States
Ok, I been puttin in some old skool work today.
And I gotta tell you, this last one is a doozey if I do say so myself
It will showcase the denial that some gamers embrace so that getting lied to is acceptable
Its truly pathetic. And when I show this, they'll probably continue on being pathetic.
Lets kick off thee festivities :noah:

Sony Comments On PS3 Exclusives Selling Less Than Xbox 360 Exclusives « GamingBolt.com: Video Game News, Reviews, Previews and Blog

Ever since the inception of this generation, Microsoft has the advantage of selling more Xbox 360 exclusives compared to its long time rival, the Sony PlayStation 3.
So off the top, they let it be known that xbox exclusives sell better than ps3 exclusives :win:
In an interesting interview with GameInformer, the president of Sony’s Worldwide studios Shuhei Yoshida has shed more light on this case. When asked why does a single Xbox 360 exclusive like Gears of War 3 outsells many of the PlayStation 3 exclusives combined, he had the following to say:

It’s a combination of many things. First, we have to be very honest about our games’ quality as well. We love our games, but we can point out many issues when you look at the titles individually.
When the Head of sony was asked why a single xbox game sold more than all yo shyt COMBINED he says "well first off, we have to be honest about our GAMES QUALITY" :damn:
Then he continues "We love our games, but if you stop being a funboy fakkit and actually look at it? Its a piece of shyt :manny:"

I'm focused maaaaaan...
Another thing is focus. When you have ten games coming out in a year compared to two or three, how much focus you get from our business and marketing side is very hard. From a portfolio side, we were very excited about the games we had last year, but we probably diluted support for each title

There are several PlayStation 3 exclusives scheduled for 2012, so it seems that they may not be following the above mentioned strategy for now. But it will be interesting to see whether Sony changes it game development strategy for next generation, that is the PlayStation 4.
^^^ Now thats where homey realized he basically threw in the towel and tried to save face :dead:
I can PROVE this. I'm not talking shyt here,.
If what he is saying at the end there is true, then the entire article wouldn't even make sense :dwillhuh:
Because the article is based on the fact that Gears sold more than his entire portfolio ALONE
Thats not including all the other titles on xbox that also outsold all of/or the majority of the titles on ps3
The xbox has MORE exclusives, not the otherway around.
Xbox 360 Has More Exclusives Than PS3, Says Aaron Greenberg | Games Thirst

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May 6, 2012

Looks like the quality of xbox exclusives aren't that great since they're...... you know so far down the list.
:skip: Gears 3 players been :snooze: since before summer this year.

Gran Turismo 5 (9.01 million)[131] :huhldup:

Gran Turismo 5 Prologue (5.35 million)[131]:huhldup:

God of War III (5,197,632; 2,818,033 in North and Latin America, 1,961,733 in PAL regions, 417,866 in Japan and SCE Asia territories)[149]

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (3.8 million)[151]

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (3.8 million)[152]
MotorStorm (3.31 million)[153]

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (3 million approximately;[155][156] 1.076 million in the US,[157] 706,461 in Japan,[150] 1 million in Europe,[158] 200,000 in UK)[101]

LittleBigPlanet (3 million)[159]

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (2.6 million)[162][163]

Resistance: Fall of Man (2.5 million)[164]

God of War Collection (2,418,516; 1,748,663 in North and Latin America, 514,253 in PAL regions, 155,600 in Japan and SCE Asia territories)[149]
Killzone 2 (2 million)[165]

inFamous (nearly 2 million)[166]
Heavy Rain (1.7 million)[168]

Heavenly Sword (1.5 million)[171]
Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction (1.25 million)[174]

MotorStorm: Pacific Rift (1 million)[175]
This not even ALL the games too.
Court about to be

PS3 exclusives sell more COMBINED than the 2 Xbox games that sell as good as GT5.


Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States

Looks like the quality of xbox exclusives aren't that great since they're...... you know so far down the list.
:skip: Gears 3 players been :snooze: since before summer this year.

This not even ALL the games too.
Court about to be

PS3 exclusives sell more COMBINED than the 2 Xbox games that sell as good as GT5.
Yeah, your doing the old sony shipped argument. But how does the main nikka at sony speak on what I'm saying as fact which makes your bullshyt angle obsolete?
Look fukk boy, I'm glad your at least trying. Cuz you wanna know what games Gears outsold?
I pointed out how sony's boss tried to save face :deadrose:
So the lies will showup through all his pupils. So I'll use an article that seems to be pro sony, but helps me prove me point...
Why do Microsoft exclusives sell better than Sony ex... | GameZone
In a recession, gamers can’t play every game that they want to. So in 2011, when Sony released a new AAA game every month, you’d have to choose which game you wanted to purchase or wait until a price drop or it became used. If you bought it used, Sony didn’t make any money, as only the retailer benefits from used game prices. With Gears of War 3, it was THE game to own on 360 and has sold 5.42 million new copies to date. Almost a year later, if you add up the Sony games mentioned above, they have surpassed Gears of War 3, but not by much
Uncharted 3 came out in 2011, and so did the majority of the games you listed probably
Yet combined they didn't outsell one game til not too long ago.. and "barely" did that
Games that came out in 2011 for ps3 only...

Unpolished 3
Little Big Planet 2
Killzone 3
MLB 11 The Show
MotorStorm Apocalypse
Ratchet & Clank: All 4 1
Resistance 3
Socom 4
Yakuza 4
Twisted Metal

Now the insane argument some from top to bottom have said is that because of the great variety, thats why the sales are down.
But all those games combined sold less than Gears. Shipped a hell of a lot more, but didn't sell that well
Unless the xbox only came out with one game, then there's still a bunch of other games that were bought. I hear they also outsold everything on ps3
You take away Halo and Gears, and xbox exclusives still kill ps3 exclusives in sales
Why is that? I never heard M$ say "Look, we gotta look at the quality of or shytty titles as to why we not selling"

The ps3 can't even be used online while modded.. hard to get it modded at all
Still getting merked in sales?

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May 6, 2012
Yeah, your doing the old sony shipped argument. But how does the main nikka at sony speak on what I'm saying as fact which makes your bullshyt angle obsolete?
Look fukk boy, I'm glad your at least trying. Cuz you wanna know what games Gears outsold?
I pointed out how sony's boss tried to save face :deadrose:
So the lies will showup through all his pupils. So I'll use an article that seems to be pro sony, but helps me prove me point...
Why do Microsoft exclusives sell better than Sony ex... | GameZone

Uncharted 3 came out in 2011, and so did the majority of the games you listed probably
Yet combined they didn't outsell one game til not too long ago.. and "barely" did that
Games that came out in 2011 for ps3 only...

Unpolished 3
Little Big Planet 2
Killzone 3
MLB 11 The Show
MotorStorm Apocalypse
Ratchet & Clank: All 4 1
Resistance 3
Socom 4
Yakuza 4
Twisted Metal

Now the insane argument some from top to bottom have said is that because of the great variety, thats why the sales are down.
But all those games combined sold less than Gears. Shipped a hell of a lot more, but didn't sell that well
Unless the xbox only came out with one game, then there's still a bunch of other games that were bought. I hear they also outsold everything on ps3
You take away Halo and Gears, and xbox exclusives still kill ps3 exclusives in sales
Why is that? I never heard M$ say "Look, we gotta look at the quality of or shytty titles as to why we not selling"

The ps3 can't even be used online while modded.. hard to get it modded at all
Still getting merked in sales?

huge explosion causes tidal wave - YouTube

:whoa: You not saying anything breh. What xbox exclusives?? Dance Central? :childplease: Of course it'll outsell anything it's a gimmick game bought by soccer moms and little funboys.

This is what you stanning??
The 2nd edition with bums??



Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States
:whoa: You not saying anything breh. What xbox exclusives?? Dance Central? :childplease: Of course it'll outsell anything it's a gimmick game bought by soccer moms and little funboys.

This is what you stanning??
Black Guy Destroys Kinect Dancing at Bestbuy - YouTube
The 2nd edition with bums??

nikka, why you STILL talking about xbox anything when this is a ps3 thread :mindblown:
Did I or did I not post a link from the head of fukking sony himself saying the games sucked and they don't sell because of that reason
Yes or not Lardass, Yes or no anybody else
Yall nikkaz wanna put the focus on Dance Central.. then bash it, even tho its a better game than most of the games you idiots STAN on ps3
You know, the games nobody bought. You like to stan them.
Good luck with that in your future endeavors :pachaha: