I think I've figured out this whole Syria thing :ohhh:

Broke Wave

Apr 30, 2012
Open Society Foundation
I was pretty confused as to what and why the U.S. is supporting the FSA against their old buddy Assad, who is friendly to Israel in many ways through his inaction,and acts as a broker and buffer to Iran, as opposed to the FSA which although is a largely secular movement (please look at the facts), does have lots of elements of Islamists and even Al-Qaeda.

I was also wondering why and what benefit could be gained if Assad's regime is toppled to the West, as they would have to deal with an unpredictable coalition of people who's sentiments about Israel and America may or may not be totally friendly. Then it hit me.

I think the Americans have a slam dunk here :ohhh:

1. They let the war go on long enough so Assad is clearly the bad guy, leaving no protest for their support of the FSA

2. The FSA drew in Hezbollah, which is a proxy of Iran. Now Hezbollah fighters are in the field and America has a chance here to destroy them through their new proxy.

3. The FSA has the universal support of the Sunni-Arab world, and in America supporting them, they will gain some support from a group they have pretty thoroughly victimized.

4. After the war is over and Assad is defeated (this will happen), there will be about 15-20 thousand Islamists and Al-Qaeda affiliates in Syria who will inevitably try and gain power from the FSA... A lot of these people are foreigners and instead of chasing them around the world or in caves, they'll all be in one juicy sexy place opened up for our friend


Can't hide from this when your celebrating your victory.

5. This further weakens and isolates China and Russia, who are once again relegated to irrelevant on the global stage for their inability to effect global issues on their doorsteps, and Russia even further, for their inability to help even their closest allies and customers.

Does America have a play here? :ohhh:


Drugs and Kalashnikovs
May 2, 2012
W/S 416
I was pretty confused as to what and why the U.S. is supporting the FSA against their old buddy Assad, who is friendly to Israel in many ways through his inaction,and acts as a broker and buffer to Iran, as opposed to the FSA which although is a largely secular movement (please look at the facts), does have lots of elements of Islamists and even Al-Qaeda.

I was also wondering why and what benefit could be gained if Assad's regime is toppled to the West, as they would have to deal with an unpredictable coalition of people who's sentiments about Israel and America may or may not be totally friendly. Then it hit me.

I think the Americans have a slam dunk here :ohhh:

1. They let the war go on long enough so Assad is clearly the bad guy, leaving no protest for their support of the FSA

2. The FSA drew in Hezbollah, which is a proxy of Iran. Now Hezbollah fighters are in the field and America has a chance here to destroy them through their new proxy.

3. The FSA has the universal support of the Sunni-Arab world, and in America supporting them, they will gain some support from a group they have pretty thoroughly victimized.

4. After the war is over and Assad is defeated (this will happen), there will be about 15-20 thousand Islamists and Al-Qaeda affiliates in Syria who will inevitably try and gain power from the FSA... A lot of these people are foreigners and instead of chasing them around the world or in caves, they'll all be in one juicy sexy place opened up for our friend


Can't hide from this when your celebrating your victory.

5. This further weakens and isolates China and Russia, who are once again relegated to irrelevant on the global stage for their inability to effect global issues on their doorsteps, and Russia even further, for their inability to help even their closest allies and customers.

Does America have a play here? :ohhh:


sounds about right
Jun 24, 2012
I was pretty confused as to what and why the U.S. is supporting the FSA against their old buddy Assad, who is friendly to Israel in many ways through his inaction,and acts as a broker and buffer to Iran, as opposed to the FSA which although is a largely secular movement (please look at the facts), does have lots of elements of Islamists and even Al-Qaeda.

U.S. and Assad have never been buddies. Assad isn't friendly with Israel either. Explain his many ways through inaction? Secular Movement from Where? Who are the leaders? If it is secular why aren't there any women as the leaders of the movement?

I was also wondering why and what benefit could be gained if Assad's regime is toppled to the West, as they would have to deal with an unpredictable coalition of people who's sentiments about Israel and America may or may not be totally friendly. Then it hit me.

I think the Americans have a slam dunk here :ohhh:

1. They let the war go on long enough so Assad is clearly the bad guy, leaving no protest for their support of the FSA.


The bad guy in Syria isn't Assad but MSM makes it look that way too bad reality is...

NATO data: Assad winning the war for Syrians’ hearts and minds | World Tribune

2. The FSA drew in Hezbollah, which is a proxy of Iran. Now Hezbollah fighters are in the field and America has a chance here to destroy them through their new proxy.

Hamas is fighting on the side of FSA which Israel created and makes as their boogieman, yet bombs Assad side for bringing in Hezbollah. Too Bad the core Hezbollah group is in Lebanon.

3. The FSA has the universal support of the Sunni-Arab world, and in America supporting them, they will gain some support from a group they have pretty thoroughly victimized.

Please bring evidence of the universal support.

4. After the war is over and Assad is defeated (this will happen), there will be about 15-20 thousand Islamists and Al-Qaeda affiliates in Syria who will inevitably try and gain power from the FSA... A lot of these people are foreigners and instead of chasing them around the world or in caves, they'll all be in one juicy sexy place opened up for our friend.

Islamists will control the country but Israel will take over the land cutting it in pieces for Greater Israel. The Western oil companies will take over and put a pipe-line in that will reach across many countries. The Syrian People will have nothing and U.S. will claim it saved the Syrian People.


Can't hide from this when your celebrating your victory.

5. This further weakens and isolates China and Russia, who are once again relegated to irrelevant on the global stage for their inability to effect global issues on their doorsteps, and Russia even further, for their inability to help even their closest allies and customers.

This is the only thing right in your post. This is also about Isolating Iran which is the last Country in the Middle East not under U.S. control or influence.

Does America have a play here? :ohhh:

They have been playing in Syria for years...nothing new. WW3 will began very soon.


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
They are already in Iraq...been in Iraq for years since the war broke out.

They'll overthrow the government.


I want Iraq and Syria to become a super state and dominate the region.


Next stop Iran
