There was no proof of anybody getting "tired of his act". Just a Long Island thing of trying to be different when it was known that he was definitely putting Lesnar over. Lesnar was getting Goldberg chants every single week and was getting more heat than Cripple H after he turned on Michaels with his pink polos and weird promos to build that match.
This is pretty hilarious though. I mean...Michaels got turned on horribly for Sid Vicious during his first year as a maineventer, CM Punk got turned on for Batista and Jeff Hardy outright and was met with silence several times during his World title run, The Rock came back in 2001 and Kurt Angle was basically forgotten by the fans in the aftermath, Cripple H never got over the hump of being a being mega face in 2002 because they loved Rock and Austin more, the fans OUTRIGHT chose Austin and the Rock over the Undertaker from 1998-2001 in several matches/promos, the fans turned on Hulk Hogan at Rumble 92, the fans shytted on Mick Foley during that Flair match like he was a nobody, Steiner got BORING chants out of this world at two straight PPVs in early 2003, Brock Lesnar got booed out of pro wrestling in 2004 in humilating fashion during one of the laziest worked matches in history, fans were chanting Rocky nonstop during tag matches with Rock and Austin in late 99 as if Austin wasn't even there, DX got turned on for the Nation at Summerslam 98, Michaels got BOOED out like a idiot against Jericho at Great American Bash 08 and Benoit at WM XX, fans were chanting ROCKY during 1999 WCW title's all semantics. The Rock can get booed a million times but he's gonna draw like no one else going because he's a international icon.