I was watching ECW hardcore TV and I miss the hell out of that FED. TheIr the reason why I didn't quit Wrestling all together in 1995-96 when WCW and WWF wont hitting on shyt.
I try watching a lot of these indie feds today and while these guys can "work" and put on "5 Star matches" They don't have that magic ECW had or the mastermind of Paul Heyman to develop characters.
ECW had EVERYTHING for everybody. You wanted blood baths and fukkery?(The Rotten Brothers, Balls, Sandman, Terry funk) You wanted that shoot fight feel(You had Taz, Rhyno) You wanted real life storylines involving whores cheating on wrestlers?(Dreamer, Shane Douglas and Raven) You wanted tag matches that turned into street beefs(The Dudleyz, Gangstas, Eliminators, Baldies), You wanted straight up kick ass wrestling(RVD Vs Jerry Lynn, ) You wanted crazy cruiserweight action(Super Crazy, TajirI, Nunzio, Kid Kash was killing it) Plus you had straight up Off the Cuff shoot style promos which helped wrestlers build characters.
Its hard for me to watch these guys today cuz. Dudes like Axel Rotten was more entertaining than the majority of these guys in Ring of Honor or Lucha.