50 years brehs...
"On the eve of the 50th Anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s iconic 'I Have A Dream' speech, and the March on Washington itself, Episode 89 of Smells Like Human Spirit marks the occasion with a packed one-hour edition of the show. Enjoy!
BONUS: This episode features THREE separate special guests, including author and former Secret Service agent Abraham Bolden.
Subscribe to the Smells Like Human Spirit Podcast on iTunes, follow us on Twitter @smellslikepod and 'like' our Facebook page at for more great shows and news!"
"On the eve of the 50th Anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s iconic 'I Have A Dream' speech, and the March on Washington itself, Episode 89 of Smells Like Human Spirit marks the occasion with a packed one-hour edition of the show. Enjoy!
BONUS: This episode features THREE separate special guests, including author and former Secret Service agent Abraham Bolden.
Subscribe to the Smells Like Human Spirit Podcast on iTunes, follow us on Twitter @smellslikepod and 'like' our Facebook page at for more great shows and news!"