Title - Zombies and Aliens (fukk cowboys)
Storyline - The movie starts off at the beginning of a zombie apocalypse as the worlds population is starting to decline and humans are running and hiding. As shyt is getting worse and worse humans get a strange radio signal coming in, something no one has heard anything like before. So the main group of characters notice some ships in the air, thinking its the army or some shyt coming to save them. The smart character is mentioning that shyt aint right as he sees them ships in the air, everybody else is waiting for them to hit ground. Them bytches get down and its aliens stepping out the ship with lazer guns and shyt, the humans are confused, but not scared as they see them nyggas. So the tough character tries to approach the ship and gets blasted, then the aliens start to blast on the whole group of humans (lol). As the humans and main characters start to run, a big ass hoard of zombies attack the aliens (twist for later, some aliens have been zombified for the final showdown). The aliens eventually notice that the world is not what they researched or expected, so they hook up with the humans to take the zombies out, only to get overpowered by the zombified aliens.
This is just a simple plan and write out, which sounds similar to AVP, but no, I would want this shyt to be different. Does anybody think this shyt could be cold??????
Storyline - The movie starts off at the beginning of a zombie apocalypse as the worlds population is starting to decline and humans are running and hiding. As shyt is getting worse and worse humans get a strange radio signal coming in, something no one has heard anything like before. So the main group of characters notice some ships in the air, thinking its the army or some shyt coming to save them. The smart character is mentioning that shyt aint right as he sees them ships in the air, everybody else is waiting for them to hit ground. Them bytches get down and its aliens stepping out the ship with lazer guns and shyt, the humans are confused, but not scared as they see them nyggas. So the tough character tries to approach the ship and gets blasted, then the aliens start to blast on the whole group of humans (lol). As the humans and main characters start to run, a big ass hoard of zombies attack the aliens (twist for later, some aliens have been zombified for the final showdown). The aliens eventually notice that the world is not what they researched or expected, so they hook up with the humans to take the zombies out, only to get overpowered by the zombified aliens.
This is just a simple plan and write out, which sounds similar to AVP, but no, I would want this shyt to be different. Does anybody think this shyt could be cold??????