MD 20/20 and Cisco both need to be banned
Back in college I went to a friend's crib to meet my homie and found him holding an empty glass bottle and obviously wasted.MD 20/20 and Cisco both need to be banned
Breh, the year is 1995 and I'm 17 just got my check from my summer job. Well me and the homies had some of the old heads that hangout at the corner store/Bodega to buy us some drinks. Well I decided to chug a whole bottle of Red Cisco "Not A Good Idea"! Mind you they called it Liquid Crack back then and let's just say I almost died that night.MD 20/20 and Cisco both need to be banned
MD 20/20 and Cisco both need to be banned
man.. we read that bum wine website back in college and sought out cisco. had to go deep in the hood to find itBreh, the year is 1995 and I'm 17 just got my check from my summer job. Well me and the homies had some of the old heads that hangout at the corner store/Bodega to buy us some drinks. Well I decided to chug a whole bottle of Red Cisco "Not A Good Idea"! Mind you they called it Liquid Crack back then and let's just say I almost died that night.![]()
Breh I already know that feeling. Cisco is probably the worse buzz and hangover out of any alcohol on the market. I bet you prayed that night and told god you wasn't gonna drink no more didn't you.Breh, the year is 1995 and I'm 17 just got my check from my summer job. Well me and the homies had some of the old heads that hangout at the corner store/Bodega to buy us some drinks. Well I decided to chug a whole bottle of Red Cisco "Not A Good Idea"! Mind you they called it Liquid Crack back then and let's just say I almost died that night.![]()
Favorite Childhood Drink?
MD 20/20!?!?![]()