I would've had him come in as the top prospect. Bischoff wants him on his show, remembering the success he brought to WCW. Steph wants him on SD, just to top Bischoff. Meanwhile the Rock is the first to challenge him... and he defeats the Rock at Backlash '03.
From there, Bischoff and Steph are both vying to get him on their show. Over the next three months, Goldberg makes appearances on both Raw and SD, defeating everyone from Raw's Christian to SD's John Cena.
At the May PPV, Steph signs him to a match with SD star Big Show... Goldberg wins.
At the June PPV, Bischoff signs him to a match with Jericho... Goldberg wins. Bischoff has now become hostile with Goldberg because he's still refusing to sign to Raw. Jericho badly wants a rematch in order to beat Goldberg and gain Bischoff's favor. Goldberg turns Jericho down and says "I'm finished with you... who's next?!"
At the July PPV, Steph one ups Bischoff by giving Goldberg a spot in a triple threat match against Lesnar and Angle for the WWE title... Goldberg doesn't win due to interference by Jericho. Goldberg spears Lesnar and goes for the pin, but Jericho pulls Goldberg out of the ring, enabling Angle to cover Lesnar and win the title.
The following night on Raw, Goldberg gives Jericho his rematch and destroys him. He then appears on SmackDown, wanting a shot at the new WWE champ Angle at SummerSlam, but learns that Stephanie has already scheduled a match between Lesnar and Angle.
Since she won't change the match, Bischoff says that he can deliver Goldberg something he'd want at SummerSlam- a shot at World champion HHH.... if Goldberg officially signs with Raw. Goldberg does so.
Once the contract is signed, Bischoff adds that there's just one more detail about that match... it's a six-man Elimination Chamber match. It turns out that Bischoff deliberately does this due to Goldberg taking 4 months to sign with him.
At SummerSlam, Goldberg runs through Jericho, Michaels, Orton, Nash, and finally defeats HHH to win the World title.
He defeats HHH at Unforgiven in a rematch. He then defeats him again in a street fight on Raw in October. After this match, HHH takes a leave of absence, frustrated with his inability to defeat Goldberg. Meanwhile Goldberg begins to feud with Kane.
At Survivor Series, Goldberg defeats Kane to retain the championship, and has a verbal exchange with Lesnar.
The night after Survivor Series, HHH returns and challenges Goldberg to a Hell In The Cell match at Armageddon.
At Armageddon, Goldberg loses the World title to HHH after being locked in the Cell and attacked by all four members of Evolution.
In the weeks that follow, Goldberg gets a measure of revenge on all four of Evolution, starting by spearing Randy Orton... then beating down Ric Flair... then defeating Batista in a one-on-one match... then by getting his rematch against HHH on Raw. He wins by disqualification when Evolution interferes, but ends up laying out HHH in the end.
Bischoff denies Goldberg another rematch, so he enters the Royal Rumble. In the match, he is running through the participants until Lesnar comes to the ring and F-5's him, leading to his elimination.
From here, book it the way they did the feud with Lesnar leading up to Mania... with more interaction.