I came from nothing
My name is Pew, p-e-w. I used to ship servers to the motherland!
First off, shout out to the homey @Liquid for making the How are you making money? thread. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't even be typing this right now at 2:53 AM.

So i got quite a few messages asking for more info about shipping items overseas and I decided to make this How To thread so people from all different types of backgrounds can teach each other how to move in a room full of vultures.

How to get a connect:
This is straight up networking 101. No frills or thrills. You have to go out there and meet people. Im sure you all have someone somewhere who knows somebody who needs something. No middleman. If you know someone who needs anything, contact the decision maker and deal with them directly. That's it.
What/where should you ship

I dont know. The world is rapidly changing and what may be a hot oppurtunity today could be gone next month. Consistent is better than fast cash that doesn't last. But to each their own. Just do your research before hand and always talk to the decision maker. The rest will take care of itself.
What shipping company to use/How to ship something somewhere:

I don't know. Depends on what you're shipping, the size, where it's going, the weight, how many miles, by sea or air, import tax, customs. There's a lot of moving parts in all this but this is a pretty good rule of thumb: The little guys are usually cheaper than the major shippers we all know and love. But each independent shipping co. is it's own business with it's own owner and it's own employees. tread carefully. do you're homework. Do
Where should I start/how should i break into a market?

Wherever you'll make the most money. If you have close friends or family in an area, start there. Asses the market, find a niche you feel comfortable in, go to work. You don't have to limit yourself to just computers or one specific area. I chose serves and cpus because im around them all day. If there's a need for something and you feel like you can fill it, DO IT! Face to face is better than skype or emails so I always advise flying to the country you wanna do business and meeting these business owners.
Hope this helps, im out

@Liquid @midwesthiphop @Handsback @NoHomo @Christopher browns @50CentStan