How not to be an armed robber 101


May 18, 2012
I havent been on reddit in a while but this nikka here takes the cake as the worst criminal in the history of mankind.

Dude made a AMA about being a drug dealer, and goes in to talk about how he went to jail but ironically wasnt for selling drugs but for committing an armed robbery. An armed robbery he didnt have to commit because he was making money selling drugs and only did it to impress his girlfriend...:wow:. The power of the P.U.S.S.Y brehs, that shyt is scary what it'll make nikkas do :damn:

Just read his thrilling accounts on the night:

Question: How did you execute your robbery? Was it calm and cool, or violent and frantic?

I was, but my partner was not. Basically, he had been stealing from his dying uncle to support his Heroin & Cocaine habit. It got found out, he needed money quick to un-pawn everything. This man was my girlfriends friend from school, I don't even like the b*stard, but we had been arguing and so I agreed thinking maybe I'll get blown out of it.

He does the first one, gets $20 from the waitresses tips, took him an hour of prowling around outside and being a general wuss. This guy is a gangbanger too, a member of one of the local Blood chapters, how, I don't know.

We take the $20 and regroup at Mcdonalds as we were coming down off the Cocaine and hungry. We eat, pick the next target, and we're off.

I go in with him this time as like, fukk if I know, moral support. He has my firearm & he's in charge. We go in, corral the customers into one place and the employees went with them. I pick out an employee and tell him to open the cash register. The employee is halfway to the register when my accomplice flees, just fukking runs out of the building to my girlfriend who was our getaway driver. Not wanting to get left behind, I follow suit.

So just to recap at this point, two violent felony crimes had been committed for the grand sum of fukking Mcdonalds.

We pick another target, thinking "The cops probably weren't called, we didn't get anything!" and I take the gun, and I tell him I'm doing everything. We mask up, head in. No customers, only two employees, awesome. I get a girl to open the cash register while displaying the gun (It was empty, just fyi) and grab all the cash. She was crying profusely the entire time and I attempt to comfort Her telling Her she will be safe, we will be gone in a moment. I bag the cash, we walk outside. It was probably like...$500ish.

We step outside and there's a fleet of Police, I think 10-15, hard to recall, lots of flashlights in my face. My accomplice drops, I book it. I outrun the Police momentarily and scream at my Girlfriend to wait and let me in the car. I get in, we speed up to 30mphish and I look in the rear view just to see a Police truck smash into our rear left side, sending us spinning and the engine dies. I throw the gun and cash out the window and go through the proceedings. I was so stupid I had another $600 in cash I made selling drugs that day, and the cops naturally took that too. I tried to get it back as they would know how much was stolen, but no Police Officer has a record of my wallet having any money. I don't blame them, I deserved to be robbed of my ill-gotten gains at that point.

That is the story, brief but to the point.

He sold drugs for 4-5 years and made between 100-300k. Didnt even half to pay rent out of pocket because his landlord accepted his rent in weed payments :laff: