shyt look dope
plus matthew mcconoughly
plus matthew mcconoughly
A few early impressions have been tweeted by those who saw an early screening of the film. Here's a selection. [via Slashfilm]
#Interstellar is extraordinary - an angry, Heinlein-influenced rebuttal to Clarke and Kubrick's 2001 & a poem to light and gravity...
1:13 AM - 21 Oct 2014
We saw #Interstellar in 70mm IMAX tonight. Compounded the resonance with 2001 in fascinating ways. And the blacks and whites - mmmm!
2:30 AM - 21 Oct 2014
So Interstellar was probably the best movie I've ever seen.
6:10 PM - 18 Oct 2014
Dazzled by the ambition & intelligence of Chris Nolan's INTERSTELLAR. Terrific performances, haunting imagery, WOW. See it in 70MM IMAX.
1:56 PM - 21 Oct 2014
edgarwright ✔ @edgarwright
Am I allowed to say that 'Interstellar' is incredible yet?
3:50 PM - 13 Oct 2014
The trailer really doesn't do much for me honestly.
But there will be plenty of hype as we get closer. Personally, I'm looking forward to Unbroken alot more
Kill him
Negged for spelling deficiencies.
i let the Inception hate from both of you slideString him up and send him into space?