"I took almost three years on this actual album, and it wasn't by choice"
Now everything is order, so you see the difference in the movement of the actual record.
Theres a lot more business involved [in putting out an album] than the general public is aware of. And that part causes the actual delay with [Interscope]."
"I can care less about what his personal preference is in his actual bedroom"
"chose to expose it to the general public before an actual release of music"
"Like, the actual business of music is saying, Oh, hes hot!"
"Ill say, from the very beginning, that I can care less about a critic or how someone judges me for the actual music. You see, people understand within hip-hop culture that Im passionate about actually trying to do something different."
"If you look at the details that actually create scenarios that we identify with emotionally at different points, where you can feel emotion in actual films, we do the same thing through the music we create. Now, this actual project that Im creating captures portions of my life from the past"
"Anyone else notice the guy says "actual" every fukking sentence, when there's no good reason for it? I was on the actual Jimmy Kimmel show, I live in Mike Tyson's actual house, actual artists don't do roll call, my songs are on actual Youtube. I wish he'd disappear from the actual Stern show."
"How many times does he say actually or actual"
"He uses the actual words as a way of trying to make what he's actually saying out to sound somewhat intelligent when there is actually no need."
"he says "actual" to much! -50, stop please. Thumbs up so he sees that."
"actually the actualities of what actually happened was factually actually. cause actually see this is actually an act of the actual actualtors.this is all actual."
"Even before I read the part I knew Curtis was gonna say actual and actually. Lo and behold, guess what he did "
"@50cent why do you say "actual" in most of your interviews."
"50 Cent says actual in every fukking interview."