Okay...a little bit about me
5'10' 171lbs
USed to work out heavy for almost a year, 5 days a week. Yoga, aerobics, water aerobics, weight training, etc.
All I want is super cut abs l(still got a little six pack but Im trying to lower my body fat percentage) and to get the definition in my arms back. And to fix up my oblique abs and have more prominent triceps.
HOw long would it take 3 months? Especia;lly if I started doing 100 push ups a day?
5'10' 171lbs
USed to work out heavy for almost a year, 5 days a week. Yoga, aerobics, water aerobics, weight training, etc.
All I want is super cut abs l(still got a little six pack but Im trying to lower my body fat percentage) and to get the definition in my arms back. And to fix up my oblique abs and have more prominent triceps.
HOw long would it take 3 months? Especia;lly if I started doing 100 push ups a day?