Yes I know. I'm sayin that if u get strong for 230lbs then you will be more shredded when you diet down to 215 than you were before the shredded you are depends on how dedicated to dieting you are
didnt you say you werent cutting til something like october?
Yes I know. I'm sayin that if u get strong for 230lbs then you will be more shredded when you diet down to 215 than you were before the bulk.
I care more about my visual bf% rather than quantitative. Once my morning weight is 210 or 205 I should look I really think that as long as ur traps and shoulders are big then u will look brolic at any weightyeah youll look better for sure
but how much fat your carrying currently may be higher than you think
always seems to be the case for everyone, eitherway lifting is gonna be the same regardless if you are bulking or cutting so the only difference between them is the diet i think at your height now is the prime time(truthfully months ago)
i cut a good portion during the winter and because of clothing most people didnt notice until spring came around and it was like MMS you on drugs?
one of these days ill show yall my true before pics if i can get a scanner, 5'9 110lbs
I care more about my visual bf% rather than quantitative. Once my morning weight is 210 or 205 I should look I really think that as long as ur traps and shoulders are big then u will look brolic at any weight
I done tightened up on my squat form tremendously this week. Atg with 225 for reps until I'm comfortableIt really depends
Lot of it is just beign honest with yourself... if you are looking and you aint seein no gaiiinsss.... you got to look at the man in the mirror... and make a change
I think in playing w/shyt like alternating zero carb days people can stay pretty lean... maybe not in the singles, but def low low teens easy, even in a good surplus. A clean surplus is a lean surplus.
As for me I am not cutting till I hit my strength goals... already deading 4 plates... just trying to get maybe 17" arms (already up to 16" finally )... just reworked squat form so thats a ways away. But if that takes 1-2 more years so be it. Main thing is I have way more control over bodyfat now than I did before, and I'm actually making progress in ways that I want to. So you just gotta reassess what you really want... and be honest in how close you are to actually getting it.
I done tightened up on my squat form tremendously this week. Atg with 225 for reps until I'm comfortable