you can drink while you are still sick.
the alcohol kills the stuff that is making you shoulda been drinking breh.
you can drink while you are still sick.
the alcohol kills the stuff that is making you shoulda been drinking breh.
get medical advice on the coli brehs
get medical advice on the coli brehs
@Orbital-Fetus is a smart fella, I trust himget medical advice on the coli brehs
sometimes i wonder how many people have died from lurking here and not realizing who's trolling.
everything i've ever posted is true, btw
Studies have shown that the bacteria caused by food poisoning can be entirely eliminated from the system by consuming copious amounts of alcohol over an extended period of time. In one study done by Harvard Medical School 2,000 volunteers where giving rancid food to consume. All of them came down with food poisoning. Half of the 2000 volunteers were treated in the traditional manner, hydration and medication. The other half were given the alcoholic beverage of their choice and nothing else. The group that received the alcohol was instructed to drink as much as they could over the next 24 hours. 1,804 of them reported that all symptoms of food poisoning where gone within 12 hours, the rest were feeling better after 24 hours. The group that received traditional treatment did not fair so well. 1,958 of them were still sick 48 hours later and unfortunately two subsequently died. A waver was signed by all volunteers and Harvard holds no responsibility for these deaths.
you can drink while you are still sick.
the alcohol kills the stuff that is making you shoulda been drinking breh.
so what does it make you flush everything out quicker too?
I've dealt with alcohol addiction and drank on a real real fukked up stomach plenty of just makes me feel like im pissing out of my ass for hours on end.
alcohol is a natural antibiotic and fights internal and external infections including food poisoning.