tryna bulk up. How do yall determine how much you should lift and how many reps and sets?? I dont sacrifice weight for form meaning Ill go heavy but not heavy to the point where my form is shytty and Im struglling to lift it.
I go 85% of 1RM 5repsx5sets when going heavy
So figure out the heaviest weight that you can rep once and then do 85% of that... Every 1-2week you should be able to add 5-10 lbs to that if you're using good form...
I go 85% of 1RM 5repsx5sets when going heavy
So figure out the heaviest weight that you can rep once and then do 85% of that... Every 1-2week you should be able to add 5-10 lbs to that if you're using good form...
couldnt have said it better myself mate. make sure to use good form dont be a cheeky kunt who doesnt touch his chest with the bar