Zero policy can be passed and the election is looking like its gonna be BAD. what hope do we have?
They will lose the house in 2022. I believe Joe Biden can win, but if he isn't around, Kamala gonna get beat.
The issue Democrats need to worry about is populist right-wing candidates hitting from the left on a lot of issues because the Biden administration is committed to pursuing certain neo-con foreign policy and some neo-lib economic policies that are not popular.
The current fake Trump wannabes like Desantis may not be enough for Republicans to win. But I can easily imagine a legit candidate on the right who may argue for legalizing Weed and attacking the Democrats on their foreign policy interventionist proclivities giving them a hard time..and it would be deserved. For the former, its such a fukking easy layup that outside of probably correctly assuming that the national Democratic party isn't really for legalization as much as they claim, there isn't any other explanation for not getting it done. A lot of the new right are pro-legalization and that will cause some problems if they seriously pursue it in elections.
Neo-liberal economic policies are supporting outsourcing of jobs or lifting the limits on outsourcing of jobs and shrewdly dressing it up as tolerance and anti-racism when it is actually corporate-friendly policy looking for an exploitable workforce they can pay less than Americans. Here is where Trump ran to the left of the Democrats and one area I agree with him on.What is neo-conservative foreign policy?
What is neo-liberal economic policy?
Neo-liberal economic policies are supporting outsourcing of jobs or lifting the limits on outsourcing of jobs and shrewdly dressing it up as tolerance and anti-racism when it is actually corporate-friendly policy looking for an exploitable workforce they can pay less than Americans. Here is where Trump ran to the left of the Democrats and one area I agree with him on.
H1B visa: Biden lets Trump era H-1B visa bans expire; Indian IT professionals to benefit - The Economic Times
H1B visa: Joe Biden is planning to increase H-1B visa limit, remove country quota for green cards - The Economic Times
Neo-liberal economic policies are again, supporting illegal immigration dressed up as an embrace of tolerance, diversity, and anti-racism when again, it's a globalist corporate-friendly policy looking for essentially an underpaid and exploitable worker class. Granted, here, their support is more rhetorical than application to a degree.
On the first issue, Biden is doing a few things to combat it. I believe he is looking to tax offshoring for example. However, Kamala if you look at her past statements, and it is not surprising given her past as a Senator in Cali and hobnobbing with big tech, has no such beliefs and is fully onboard with increasing H1Bs and outsourcing dressing it up in "embracing diversity" language.
Neo-conservative interventionist foreign policy such as continuing the sanctions and isolation of countries like Cuba and maintaining Trump's reversal of Obama's policies of opening relations. Also, some reports are saying that the recent assassination of the Haitian president involved former US law enforcement informants and I'm sure that is no a coincidence.
It was Democratic neoliberal policy that had us fooling around in Syria and Libya. These type of policies are not popular among the right or left in this country. Just amongst the ruling class.
The ruling class is the corporate power structure and their politicians who are not the leaders of the country, but mainly the stewards of our country on behalf of corporate entities or the rich individuals in this country. The lobbyists for corporations and the donations that are given to politicians by the rich or corporate entities are what dictate the actions of the politicians more so than the feelings of the general population. For example, there was a call with Joe Manchin where he met with some corporate lobbyist that was leaked recently and the level of details and justification he gives for his stances is jarring in detail and scope compared to what he gives to the press and the general public. I'm reciting from memory but he went into detail about why he opposes the abolishment of the filibuster and why he has to stop the far left from taking control. He framed this specifically in language to appeal to the corporate lobbyists on the call. In contrast, when he talks to the press he gave very general and non-specific reasoning about "lowering the temperature" or "compromise". The justifications he was giving privately to corporate lobbyists is what he should be giving to the public but its the other way around because he respects the opinions of corporate lobbyist more than his own voters or voters in general because they are the ones who matter in their eyes due to their influence.What is the "ruling class" and what do they benefit from all this?
House is lost
Senate is not
Their owm base not only dislikes them, but also doesn't even think they'll do anything. Lol.