Bird - 37/10/5 (13/25 shooting)
Jordan - 48/5/1 (17/33 shooting)
Celtics win, I'd say it's a wash though.
Bird - 37/8/9 (61.1%)
Jordan - 34/8/3 (41.9%)
Celtics win, Bird easily wins the matchup. Highlights of the game here: . As you can see Jordan made a pitiful attempt at guarding him.
Bird - 24/14/3 (39%)
Jordan - 30/6/4 (38%)
Celtics win. Wash.
Bird - 26/5/9 (65%)
Jordan - 27/4/4 (48%)
Celtics win. Bird wins matchup.
Bird - 41/7/7 (58.6%)
Jordan - 22/7/7 (39.1%)
Celtics win. Bird easily wins matchup. Highlights:
Bird - 38/8/7 (59%)
Jordan - 17/4/8 (33%)
Celtics win. Bird easily wins matchup. Highlights: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEaNw...e=channel_page
Bird - 38/9/8 (58%)
Jordan - 42/4/6 (53%)
Celtics win. Bird wins matchup.
Bird - 19/10/6
Jordan - 50/9/5
Bulls win. Jordan finally wins head to head.
Bird - 33/7/8 (67%)
Jordan - 26/4/7 (56%)
Celtics win. Bird easily wins matchup. Highlights:
Bird - 44/10/3 (65.5%)
Jordan - 39/3/8 (51.5%)
Celtics win. Bird wins matchup *yawn*
Bird's record in this stretch? 9-1 while outperforming him in nearly every game. What makes this worse? Bird made Jordan look like a child when Jordan tried to guard him. Meanwhile the possessions I saw Bird guard Jordan, he defended him quite well (definitly wasn't gambling for steals to leave him open in the post).
Moreover, Jordan is 0-6 in the playoffs including this disaster in '87: (Jordan makes 0 shots in the 4th quarter...Bulls had a 7 point lead with 11 minutes left...but Bird showed up when it mattered while Jordan was no where to be seen)
Kind of makes Jordan's '88 MVP come off as even more of a joke, no? Not that I really care but all you really hear about is the 63 points.
word to fatal.

Bird - 37/10/5 (13/25 shooting)
Jordan - 48/5/1 (17/33 shooting)
Celtics win, I'd say it's a wash though.
Bird - 37/8/9 (61.1%)
Jordan - 34/8/3 (41.9%)
Celtics win, Bird easily wins the matchup. Highlights of the game here: . As you can see Jordan made a pitiful attempt at guarding him.
Bird - 24/14/3 (39%)
Jordan - 30/6/4 (38%)
Celtics win. Wash.
Bird - 26/5/9 (65%)
Jordan - 27/4/4 (48%)
Celtics win. Bird wins matchup.
Bird - 41/7/7 (58.6%)
Jordan - 22/7/7 (39.1%)
Celtics win. Bird easily wins matchup. Highlights:
Bird - 38/8/7 (59%)
Jordan - 17/4/8 (33%)
Celtics win. Bird easily wins matchup. Highlights: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEaNw...e=channel_page
Bird - 38/9/8 (58%)
Jordan - 42/4/6 (53%)
Celtics win. Bird wins matchup.
Bird - 19/10/6
Jordan - 50/9/5
Bulls win. Jordan finally wins head to head.
Bird - 33/7/8 (67%)
Jordan - 26/4/7 (56%)
Celtics win. Bird easily wins matchup. Highlights:
Bird - 44/10/3 (65.5%)
Jordan - 39/3/8 (51.5%)
Celtics win. Bird wins matchup *yawn*
Bird's record in this stretch? 9-1 while outperforming him in nearly every game. What makes this worse? Bird made Jordan look like a child when Jordan tried to guard him. Meanwhile the possessions I saw Bird guard Jordan, he defended him quite well (definitly wasn't gambling for steals to leave him open in the post).
Moreover, Jordan is 0-6 in the playoffs including this disaster in '87: (Jordan makes 0 shots in the 4th quarter...Bulls had a 7 point lead with 11 minutes left...but Bird showed up when it mattered while Jordan was no where to be seen)
Kind of makes Jordan's '88 MVP come off as even more of a joke, no? Not that I really care but all you really hear about is the 63 points.
word to fatal.

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