I shared this recently myself. I thought Pam Keith made good points
You should post content like this that you come across.
I thought it was a good show, pretty clear cut about modern political realities.
I was confused about her comments about Black officials not writing legislation. Is there a difference between that and sponsoring bills? The members she named have surely sponsored bills consistently, and recently. And that's on the public record.
Also the example she used, members not writing legislation for equitable funding of HBCUs confuses me. Alma Adams of NC is the point person for that issue. She has created an HBCU Caucus, and has sponsored bills/written legislation to increase funding for HBCUs. And has always used her leverage to demand funding. Most recently
Pressure is building on Democratic leadership to ensure the party’s $3.5 trillion social spending package includes more grant funding for historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs).…
She is the biggest advocate, and has encountered resistance throughout her push. Keith implies that "bu bu but no official has demanded equitable funding". Seems more like a personal dig at the officials she named.
The political reality about advocacy for HBCU funding is on the record, and what the challenges have been.
The rest of what she says mirrors comments we've made over the years here.
Was funny to read her call out the YTer-speak that gets repeated here "what tangibles will you offer for my vote?"
And her comments about jewish interests groups bullying people, and jewish Americans having an inordinate amount of political power