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How many yall just cutting stuff out completely or just eating normally but less?
I been trying to hold off on fast food as much as possible. Nothing good comes out of those places.
non-WO days: only lean protein and veggies (max 100 g carbs). Stay in the 1200-1500 kcal range and include 60-90 min of low intensity cardio. Kcal intake on these days is set to approximately 50% maintenance for most males.
WO-days: have a moderate sized meal of 50-60/50-60 carb/pro (minimum fat) pre-WO (approx 450-550 kcal). PWO-meal is ideally a high carb, moderate protein and low fat refeed. Kcal target for this day should be around maintenance+25% with the absolute majority of kcals eaten PWO. General guidelines for this day is (at least) 1 g protein/bw and 2 g carbs/ bw, and then you may fill out with whatever macronutrient you want to a certain degree. Ideally, emphasis should be put on carbs while fat intake is kept low; these conditions are the most favourable in order to prevent fat storage and optimize glycogen storage.
For the recomp protocol to work effectively, you need to balance the surplus days with the deficit days. This means that an EOD workout routine is ideal for those wishing progressive lean gains accompanied by fat loss. 2-3x week WO routines delivers faster results for people with bodyfat loss as a main priority.
Chick Fil A is delicious, but most of their items have too many carbs/soduim for my liking.chick fil a is delicious