How AI Can Become a “Third Hemisphere” of Our Brains


Sep 15, 2014
How AI Can Become a “Third Hemisphere” of Our Brains

While artificial intelligence may replace truck dricers and beat us at chess, it also has much to offer: it can free up our minds and responsibilities for the tasks and social interactions we humans are best suited for. In this TEDx video featuring Felix Hausler, CEO of messaging interface Chatgrape, Hausler discusses how AI is becoming more a part of our daily lives, and how we can overcome the challenges this could pose.

AI can be used for good as much as it can be a threat: it beats us in every technical game, exercises tireless intelligence, and yet it also helps us with research, or drives us home when we're too drunk to drive, Hausler pointed out during his talk. Because of AI, 47 percent of jobs are at risk, he said, and humans will lose their jobs to automation in the next decades.

Truck driving, other transportation, production, and administrative jobs are particularly susceptible to AI. However, while it may threaten jobs, the ability to merge with technology, to coexist with AI could help us become "super humans," Hausler said.

Machines need us more than we think, he said, and we need machines to make our work more exciting. "If we accept that we need each other in this life, we'll both profit from it," Hausler said.

Machines have limitations, especially in that they are inept in social situations. To get the most out of AI, people need to understand the limitations of computation, and allow machines to do just what they're good at, freeing up humans to do what they're good at, such as social engagement, creativity, and logical reasoning. At the same time, humans need machines to counteract the "deadly dullness" of dry, monotonous work, since the human brain is not made for the dull or repetitive, he said.

Hausler proposed a "third" sphere of the brain, in addition to the left and right, the parts that govern logic and creativity, respectively. This third hemisphere has to do with repetition, accuracy, and speed. By taking care of the dull and repetitive, AI lets humans focus on what they're better suited for. Using machines to clear up ambiguities in communication, to mediate among people who think differently, and to translate a person's thoughts or patterns into tasks can help people find common ground, said Hausler.

There are a few ways people can connect with AI today, he said. One is natural language processing, in which the machine listens to a person, reads what they've been writing, and adds some intelligence to make that all easier. Another is behavioral, in which the machine is connected to a person's device and learns about the owner in order to offer adjustments based on their patterns. A third way is augmented reality, in which the machine improves a person's visual field, and gives them information while they're doing something else. And a fourth way is brain computer interface.

"The moment we're able to have a real brain computer interface, a frictionless, will be the moment we have access to this third hemisphere and can directly outsource every bulk task we have to a machine," said Hausler.

:wow: The dawn of a new age......

Black Nate Grey

The God Emperor of Mankind
Jan 24, 2014
AI will kill many a jobs, I don't see the worldwide standard of living improving bar technological advancements in other fields.

If we don't kill ourselves both
figuratively or literally, then transhumanisim is inevitable.

I'm just pissed I was born too early for the cool shyt.

AI's becoming a literal part of our body is something I think will come much later though unless it's hacker proof. Most people want agency of their body.


Nov 2, 2013
I hope AI replaces journalists.

How you gonna miss the error in the first line of your article?


Black Nate Grey

The God Emperor of Mankind
Jan 24, 2014
:martin:In their efforts to sell you on how wonderful this could be..they deliberately left something out that the brain implant will be able to do...and its the first thing the elite and their lap dog politicians would want

:demonic: total control


Even if we could enhance human intellect, lifespan and other biological functions. Only the elite will have unrestricted access to these enhancements, it's going to be eugenics where only "desirables" live on.