How 3cepts were created

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
There have always been fanboys, but that wasn't the actual term that was used. And it wasn't as insane as it is today because we didn't have things like internet back in the day.
But if your boy had one system and you had the other? AS long as you both had games, neither could tell the other NOTHING (outside of EA games being better on Genesis)

And as generations evolved, systems would become popular for reasons other than games.
The PS1 pushed for CD based games on consoles, that advantage made developers go to sony because nintendo would charge too much to put games on there system. So thats how sony rose to power.
Microsoft had a similar approach for indie games on Xbox 360, and that made indies still want to publish on Xbox but would openly talk about how sony had a friendlier setup for them financially, but PSN isn't set-up for indies to SHINE or even succeed. So both companies have work to do there, one has already done there work, the other is a mystery at this point but I don't want to upset anyone so I'll keep it movin :hula:

PS2 I'm gonna skip that, but basically they expanded on what they did right and increased its position.

PS3 drops, these dudes (sony) is full of themselves at this point. Very nintendo'ish on how they think they are God's gift to videogaming. Even said "We'll sell it for crazy numbers ($600+tax)and they'll still come cuz they that dumb joe"
They also didn't have very many games for the first two years, which seems like something they'll do again
And this is where the "3cepts" came into existence. During those first two years sony fans didn't have anything to enjoy. So what they'd do is hype up literally every single exclusive to justify to themselves all the money they spent. LAIR was this extremely hyped game that was horrible. It was Beyond 2 Souls 2007 edition :manny:
And as sony eventually caught up to equal the xbox in multiplat games for the most part, the fact that the xbox had better exclusives for the first 3yrs made the urge to hype up garbage even stronger.
I'm not saying all exclusives are trash, I'm saying all exclusives are not AAA. Most are not even better than "decent" games but the hype is always "this is the best game in the genre... EVER"
MGS4 was a 6hr game, but was heralded as the best game ever made :what:
Uncharted 2 is the greatest game of all time (3cepts words) so when Uncharted 3 dropped? And nobody bought it?
There was a single review that kept it real, and they was right. But fanboy outrage tried to discredit the website, the reviewer, his mama, his domestic assault case from 1997 :wow:
I could link you to the article, but that wouldn't fully convey the truth of how the "3cepts" reacted then, and still do til this day.

^^^ Peep that link, the link to the story is in there, but look at the reactions to the posters ^^^
That was universal on ever forum that discusses games, look how they sound exactly like Rekka and dem :heh:
I'm not taking any shots at anybody, I'm just showing those who did not already know this how/why these dudes act the way they do. I hope that the people affected can snap out of it and rejoin the (videogaming) society
This thread is like a documentary n shyt :whew:
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Postin’ & Toastin’ Since 02’
Apr 30, 2012
A Funny Pic Would Have Done The Job, Nobody Tryna Read That Bullshyt
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just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
Your obsessed with hating Sony.

Get help.
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Staff member
May 1, 2012


King Sun

Big Boss
May 11, 2012
There have always been fanboys, but that wasn't the actual term that was used. And it wasn't as insane as it is today because we didn't have things like internet back in the day.
But if your boy had one system and you had the other? AS long as you both had games, neither could tell the other NOTHING (outside of EA games being better on Genesis)

And as generations evolved, systems would become popular for reasons other than games.
The PS1 pushed for CD based games on consoles, that advantage made developers go to sony because nintendo would charge too much to put games on there system. So thats how sony rose to power.
Microsoft had a similar approach for indie games on Xbox 360, and that made indies still want to publish on Xbox but would openly talk about how sony had a friendlier setup for them financially, but PSN isn't set-up for indies to SHINE or even succeed. So both companies have work to do there, one has already done there work, the other is a mystery at this point but I don't want to upset anyone so I'll keep it movin :hula:

PS2 I'm gonna skip that, but basically they expanded on what they did right and increased its position.

PS3 drops, these dudes (sony) is full of themselves at this point. Very nintendo'ish on how they think they are God's gift to videogaming. Even said "We'll sell it for crazy numbers ($600+tax)and they'll still come cuz they that dumb joe"
They also didn't have very many games for the first two years, which seems like something they'll do again
And this is where the "3cepts" came into existence. During those first two years sony fans didn't have anything to enjoy. So what they'd do is hype up literally every single exclusive to justify to themselves all the money they spent. LAIR was this extremely hyped game that was horrible. It was Beyond 2 Souls 2007 edition :manny:
And as sony eventually caught up to equal the xbox in multiplat games for the most part, the fact that the xbox had better exclusives for the first 3yrs made the urge to hype up garbage even stronger.
I'm not saying all exclusives are trash, I'm saying all exclusives are not AAA. Most are not even better than "decent" games but the hype is always "this is the best game in the genre... EVER"
MGS4 was a 6hr game, but was heralded as the best game ever made :what:
Uncharted 2 is the greatest game of all time (3cepts words) so when Uncharted 3 dropped? And nobody bought it?
There was a single review that kept it real, and they was right. But fanboy outrage tried to discredit the website, the reviewer, his mama, his domestic assault case from 1997 :wow:
I could link you to the article, but that wouldn't fully convey the truth of how the "3cepts" reacted then, and still do til this day.

^^^ Peep that link, the link to the story is in there, but look at the reactions to the posters ^^^
That was universal on ever forum that discusses games, look how they sound exactly like Rekka and dem :heh:
I'm not taking any shots at anybody, I'm just showing those who did not already know this how/why these dudes act the way they do. I hope that the people affected can snap out of it and rejoin the (videogaming) society
This thread is like a documentary n shyt :whew:


Intensity Integrity Intelligence
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Auburn, AL
No mention of MMS, Gunt, or HOOD :ld: you're trippin
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