God Emperor of SOHH
Hollande’s Romances Turn Into a Political Spectacle in France
As a candidate for the French presidency in 2012, François Hollande promised to be more boring spouse than flamboyant seducer.
Determined to set himself apart from the man he was seeking to unseat — Nicolas Sarkozy, whose marriage to the former supermodel Carla Bruni had helped make him tabloid fodder — Mr. Hollande proclaimed, “I, president of the republic, will make sure that my behavior is exemplary at every moment.”
Twenty months into his presidency, Mr. Hollande’s campaign pledge is faring even less well than the unemployment-cursed French economy.
Caught in a clandestine affair that is more bedroom farce than Shakespearean drama — a beautiful actress, a scorned woman at home, surreptitious comings and goings on a most unpresidential scooter — Mr. Hollande is testing the limits of France’s tolerance for private indiscretion and leaving himself vulnerable to ridicule.
The episode has revealed a colder, more politically calculating side to Mr. Hollande, familiar to those around him but largely hidden from public view. His judgment, not least about his personal security, has been called into question.
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Julie Gayet Antonio de Moraes Barros Filho/WireImage
Already weighed down by historically low support in the polls, he also faces the challenge of keeping the affair from undercutting his ability to push through an ambitious new agenda aimed at restoring France’s fading global competitiveness and moving his Socialist Party to the center.
One big test could come next month, when he will travel to Washington for a state visit with President Obama. Mr. Hollande’s official partner, Valérie Trierweiler, was scheduled to accompany him in her role as de facto first lady, but now the visit seems likely to attract considerable attention for his eventual choice of, or lack of, a traveling companion.
“He’s always hated when politics turned into a spectacle, and now he finds himself right in the middle of one,” Julien Dray, a prominent Socialist, said in an interview. “The question is how he will handle it over the long term. If this becomes vaudeville, it could damage his presidency.”
Mr. Hollande, 59, has had little respite since a magazine, Closer, caught him meeting at an apartment around the corner from the Élysée Palace with Julie Gayet, a 41-year-old film actress who has played roles as varied as a Foreign Ministry official, a hairdresser and an addict, with nude scenes. The magazine published pictures of him arriving for his trysts on a scooter, wearing a helmet with the visor down, but apparently recognizable by his sensible black lace-up shoes.
Members of the French public at first took the revelations in their usual sexually sophisticated stride, but not Ms. Trierweiler. People who know her well said she was so devastated by the news that she checked herself into a hospital.
Mr. Hollande visited only once during her eight-day stay. Since leaving the hospital over the weekend (and thanking supporters via Twitter for their good wishes), she has been resting at La Lanterne, the presidential getaway at Versailles. Paris Match, where Ms. Trierweiler has remained employed as a journalist even while serving as Mr. Hollande’s official consort, reported on its website that the president had asked her for more time.
Mr. Hollande said Monday in a news conference in the Netherlands that Ms. Trierweiler was “getting better,” but he did not respond to the question of whether she was France’s first lady, according to reports by news services.
If he does leave her, it will be his second high-profile breakup in seven years, after the end of his 25-year relationship with Ségolène Royal, a Socialist Party presidential candidate in 2007 and the mother of their four children.
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Valérie Trierweiler Pool photo by Thomas Samson