The Great One
Swag Surfin following are highlights from a recent AP interview with Hulk Hogan:
On his recent discussion with Triple H: "He just welcomed me with open arms. He said if ever I decide I get the itch to come back home, the door's open."
On the possibility of appearing at WrestleMania XXX: "My mind has been going crazy the last couple of weeks trying to figure out the best thing to do will be."
On his current TNA status: "We couldn't figure things out. We're talking, but I'm wide open right now."
On if he has one more match left in him: "Let me put it to you this way, brother: With the right guy, the right situation, with a big enough event, big enough storyline, you're damn right I have one more left in me."
On His last Run: "Maybe my ego was in the way. I felt like, man I can still do this," Hogan said. "Listen to the crowd. Don't you guys hear what I hear? Even though I passed the torch to The Rock, I kept feeling there was more gas in the tank. Maybe I couldn't see what everybody else saw. Maybe I was going out there and embarrassing myself when I wrestled The Rock, I don't know. I just wanted something different for the character."
Hogan is coming home brehs