Historical beefs #2: When Kozo Noshino had to drop da bomb

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
This inspired from that Hamilton vs. Burr thread some time back. Some folk take beef to no limit.

Let me tell you how long Kozo Nishino let that ether burn.

In August 1930, Kozo Noshino was a proud Japanese naval officer in command of a merchant ship. This was long before the war started and the USA and Japan didn't have no thing between them yet. :obama:


Noshino was sailing past Cali when he stopped at the Ellwood Oil Field to pump some petrol. Americans knew dem Japanese were all about those formalities and honor so they had all that red carpet dignitary kinda crap waiting for him.


But on the way to the ceremony, Nishino tripped and landed his ass straight in a patch of prickly pear cactus. :mjlol:


Some local oil workers saw him getting cactus spines pulled out of his literal ass and laughed they own asses off.:gladbron::russ::skip:

Krazy Kozo would never forget their mocking faces. :demonic: He waited twelve years to get his revenge.

In 1942, after Japan declared war on Pearl Harbor, Japanese submarines began patrolling the California coast, looking for military support ships to sink. Now Noshino was back in US waters as a submarine commander. After a few weeks most of the subs had to return to Japan. But Noshino wanted more action. And he had a target in mind that had nothing to do with merchant ships. :birdman:

On the night of February 23, 1942, Noshino’s submarine surfaced just off the shore of Ellwood Oil Field, the exact spot where he had had his fateful fall in the cactus. :mjlol: Where they had laughed. :stopitslime: Where he had been humiliated, shamed, lost face. :umad: Where they had never expected him to come back with a six-inch deck gun. :merchant:


Noshino lined up the oil facility in the submarine's sights and shelled dem fools for the next half hour, dropping 25 six-inch shells on their heads. Luckily, he did not manage to hit the fuel tanks, though he did destroy several buildings. There were no casualties. But he had struck fear into his target. :demonic:

As the submarine left, a man living on the coastline mistakenly reported seeing the submarine head south, to Los Angeles. The confused witness thought he saw the sub flashing signal lights to someone on shore. Terror overcame America. :damn:

Why had the Japanese attacked such a meaningless facility? It didn’t make sense. It must be a diversion! They must be readying a bigger attack somewhere else! :damn::damn::damn:

The entire military structure of the West Coast went on high alert. :lupe:

The following night, radar scanners picked up something off the Los Angeles coast. It disappeared before they could ID it. The commander ordered a blackout. A few minutes later somebody was tripping and (falsely) reported seeing enemy planes. They set off the air raid sirens. At 3:06am some oblivious fool in Santa Monica launched a weather balloon of all things. Soldiers saw the weather balloon moving across the sky and mistook it for a Japanese plane. All hell broke loose.


At 3:15am the 37th Coast Artillery Brigade let loose from over 250 anti-aircraft guns. Other gunners began firing 50-cal machine guns randomly into the air. Soon gunners were mistaking the explosions and smoke from anti-aircraft shells for enemy aircraft in the sky, and began aiming at each other’s exploding shells. The shelling continued for 59 minutes, now known as “The Battle of Los Angeles.”


By next morning there had been 1400 anti-aircraft shells fired and 5 civilian deaths due to auto accidents and heart attacks in the midst of the melee. No persons or aircraft were hit by the shells, but a lot of property was damaged.

And there was no Japanese attack the whole time. :heh::mjlol::deadmanny:

In the confused morning after, some Angelenos dragged a 51-year-old Japanese woman to the cops. They claimed she had been turning her lights on and off and closing her drapes in a suspicious manner, signaling to the (nonexistent) Japanese planes.

President Roosevelt had already signed the declaration announcing the Japanese internment a month earlier, but there had been opposition to the idea and nothing was set yet. Now California was terrified, and it was a done deal. :camby:

Over 110,000 Japanese persons on the West Coast would be pulled out of their homes, forced inland, and keep in internment camps in the deserts until 1945. :rudy:

All because some ignorant oil workers dared to laugh at Kozo Noshino. :mindblown:

tldr: Japanese officer got embarrassed falling into a patch of cactus, shelled a California oil facility in response and low-key caused the Japanese internment

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
@7isenough, you got me down the weirdest youtube hole now.

1889, this Japanese dude calls himself "The Liberty Kid." Says he was arrested 180 times and went to prison 6 times, usually for criticizing the government or pro-Western society and rich people. So then he decides to start performing theater and comedy because they can't arrest him if he says it's just a performance. Does all sorts of crazy shyt on stage - setting fires, real fights, riding around on an actual horse. And he makes these freestyle verses that are basically oooold-school hip hop, dropping jokes and nonsense while sneaking in political commentary.

Even ends up getting with the biggest geisha in all of Japan and wifeing her. :dead:

Kawakami was inspired to start his own acting troupe after seeing the shosei shibai of fellow activist Sadanori Sudo, which "aimed at being realistic, just like in the West, and thus could claim to be following government directives to be as Western as possible in every possible way. … Far from being career-driven professionals, like the kabuki actors, they portrayed themselves as romantic, devil-may-care bohemians. Their amateur status freed them from all the constraints and conventions of the traditional theater."

In 1888, Kawakami developed a satirical song that would make him famous.[2] At the end of his troupe's play "The true story of our Itagaki's disaster" (based on a failed 1882 assassination of the aforementioned Itagaki) "a lone figure wearing a jaunty white headband swaggered out and with a flourish knelt in macho samurai-style, his knees spread wide apart, in front of a gold leaf screen...He was wearing a red samurai surcoat with exaggerated pointed shoulders above a plaid men's kimono....Flourishing a black fan emblazoned with a red rising sun...while a rhythmic shamisen strummed, he spat out the words in a husky rapid-fire patter, improvising verses as he went along. He sneered at the government, the rich, and the kind of people who dressed in Western clothes, aped Western ways, and spent all their money on geisha....The catchy chorus--'Oppekepe'-imitated the sound of a bugle or a trumpet:

In these days when the price of rice is rising,
You completely ignore the plight of the poor.
Covering your eyes with tall hats,
Wearing gold rings and watches,
You bow to men of influence and position
And spend your money on geisha and entertainers. …
If you think you can get to Paradise
By … using a bribe when you encounter
The King of Hades in hell, you'll never make it!
Oppekeppe, oppekepeppo, peppoppo.[1]:pp52-53

Impressed by this troupe, then-Prime Minister Itō Hirobumi invited them to a private party where he would introduce Kawakami to one of his favorite geisha, the woman her Western fans would later dub Sada Yacco. They were later married

"Otojiro had a genius for giving the public what it wanted. He had a string of hits with some spine-tingling melodramas based on contemporary events. … But he could never break free of his money problems. Right in the middle of a successful run his debtors would appear with a demand or bailiffs would come to seize some of his property."[1] In an attempt to overcome his financial problems, Otojiro decided to construct his own theater the Kamakami-za, "one of Japan's very first modern theaters, designed on the French model with electric lighting throughout and no hanamichi … instead of being open and welcoming like an old-style Japanese theater, with slatted wooden doors that slid out of the way and an upper floor displaying colorful posters of the latest production, it was a hefty three-story brick-and-stone building in the Palladian style with narrow doors, small windows, and a large auditorium. Emblazoned on the proscenium arch above the stage, framed within a frieze of chrysanthemums, was the legend THEATRE KAWAKAMI."[1]:pp68,72 With a deposit of fifty thousand yen,[1]:p68 it took three years to construct and had its grand opening on June 6, 1896.[1]:pp68,72
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The Tape Crusader
Mar 9, 2015
Yeah man Japanese history is nuts

I remember in 9th grade our English teacher said pearl harbor was the only land attack on America by Japan during WWII and I said “no they bombed the Oregon forests and tried to set them on fire” and this fool didn’t believe me as if I hadn’t been watching history channel all summer and was full of trivial historical facts, this school was in Oregon too :mjlol:

Years later, the pilot of the plane came back to the city he basically attempted to firebomb and donated a sword as a peace offering and symbol of peace and friendship... but if the town had rejected it, he planned on using it to commit seppuku. :whoa:
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Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
I like this thread series... keep it coming

repped off the strength of story :newtonsalute:
Thanks brehs. :wow:

@newworldafro believes this was a shootout with aliens in flying saucers :mjlol:

Yeah man Japanese history is nuts

I remember in 9th grade our English teacher said pearl harbor was the only land attack on America by Japan during WWII and I said “no they bombed the Oregon forests and tried to set them on fire” and this fool didn’t believe me as if I hadn’t been watching history channel all summer and was full of trivial historical facts, this school was in Oregon too :mjlol:

Years later, the pilot of the plane came back to the city he basically attempted to firebomb and donated a sword as a peace offering and symbol of peace and friendship... but if the town had rejected it, he planned on using it to commit seppuku. :whoa:
:camby: to that teacher for not knowing that facts.

And :merchant: that that pilot story.
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cross that bridge
May 5, 2012
Yeah man Japanese history is nuts

I remember in 9th grade our English teacher said pearl harbor was the only land attack on America by Japan during WWII and I said “no they bombed the Oregon forests and tried to set them on fire” and this fool didn’t believe me as if I hadn’t been watching history channel all summer and was full of trivial historical facts, this school was in Oregon too :mjlol:

Years later, the pilot of the plane came back to the city he basically attempted to firebomb and donated a sword as a peace offering and symbol of peace and friendship... but if the town had rejected it, he planned on using it to commit seppuku. :whoa:

i thought those were balloons that they set off from japan and let the wind currents carry them to the west coast.
they had timers in them so they would drop while over US soil.

May 5, 1945: Japanese Balloon Bomb Kills 6 in Oregon

Fu-Go balloon bomb - Wikipedia


May 7, 2012
Yeah man Japanese history is nuts

I remember in 9th grade our English teacher said pearl harbor was the only land attack on America by Japan during WWII and I said “no they bombed the Oregon forests and tried to set them on fire” and this fool didn’t believe me as if I hadn’t been watching history channel all summer and was full of trivial historical facts, this school was in Oregon too :mjlol:

Years later, the pilot of the plane came back to the city he basically attempted to firebomb and donated a sword as a peace offering and symbol of peace and friendship... but if the town had rejected it, he planned on using it to commit seppuku. :whoa:
