these people
A Publication's Spirit, Captured - James Fallows - The Atlantic
Wall Street Journal Slams 'Totalitarians' Behind 'Dreadful' Bike-Share Program That Has 'Begrimed' NY City | ThinkProgress
A Publication's Spirit, Captured - James Fallows - The Atlantic
I've always wondered how exactly to describe the temperament, the broadmindedness, the analytical subtlety, the Id that through the decades have shaped the Wall Street Journal's editorial page. Conveniently, the Journal has filled that need, via this video interview with one of its editorial board members. Henceforth when you read the Journal's editorials, I invite you to hear this voice, expression, and tone.
Wall Street Journal Slams 'Totalitarians' Behind 'Dreadful' Bike-Share Program That Has 'Begrimed' NY City | ThinkProgress
For the Wall Street Journal, though, it is a program designed by totalitarians, which has absolutely begrimed New Yorks best neighborhoods, all so that New Yorkers can feel that they are in Paris and London. Yes, Mayor Bloomberg is a Euro-socialist dictator! And bikes are so much uglier and dirtier than taxis and parking spots.
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