Highschool Crush Simpin :sadto:


May 6, 2012
Back in Highschool, about 6 years ago when I was a senior I had a colossal crush on this chick I met through my boy online. She was a sophomore and gee willikers was she cute as hell to me. She was geeky at first and wore braces but she started dressin nice and flaunting by the middle of the school year.

I was SUCH a fukking p*ssy to talk to her back then I was like :mindblown:

I was THAT nikka on AOL instant messenger when it came to talking to her. :win: Soon as I went to school the next day I'd be on some scary ass shyt and just not make eye contact with her or I'd walk past her and not say shyt. :wow:

Funny thing I thought she was feeling me because she'd hit me up AS SOON as she got on AIM and she was always a smiley ass girl. Not to mention she was haitian too so us being haitian seemingly made it easier to get along. Man I missed out. We spoke all the time on AIM and a few times on the phone via three way but a brotha never worked up the courage to holla at her legitimately and let my intentions be known

I never told her nor made it known I was feeling her but my boys got me to admit to her while she was snooping on a 3-way phone call. Dude just hit me up like "Son you like _______?""

I'm like "Huh?? Why you asking me THAT for?? Uhh idk man.. :please: Why she on the phone or something breh? ""

Him:" Nah breh I was just asking."

Me: "Yea man I do. "

*laughter ensues from innumerable voices*

*She starts speaking*
"Hey no lie, if you had dreads I'd fukk with you" She was a lil Wayne stan back when Weezy's buzz was seemingly at the acme of his career.

*disclaimer* NO I did NOT grow dreads because of her, my tarzan locs are not related to that event!

shyt had me like :merchant: when she spoke. That shyt fumbled the game and a nikka wasn't on the friendzone or endzone anymore.

Oh and pics


It got to the point where one day a brotha came home from school to eat some Diri, legume and sawcepoi and I logged on Myspace and seen she had new pics up. :inlove: Man I ain't even want to eat no more and I sent her a essay or something like that trying to rekindle the friendzone. :smh:
Never again brehs I'm a changed man. :birdman: