According to multiple reports, former Yankees outfielder Hideki Matsui is set to announce his retirement from baseball. Matsui played seven seasons with the Yankees before making one-year stops with the Angels, Athletics, and Rays. He will always be remembered for collecting big hits in Game 6 of the 2003 ALCS and Game 2 of the World Seriah, who are we kidding. He's going to be remembered for owning a massive porn collection.
Word of Matsui's affinity for porn first surfaced in a 2003 Time magazine profile:
And, of course, he likes to watch his much vaunted porno collection, tapes that he often trades with Japanese reporters. As one Japanese journalist put it, describing Matsui's affinity for such unique Japanese cultural institutions like the no-panties shabu-shabu in Japan, "Matsui is a horny guy. All of us are horny, more or less. But Matsui doesn't attempt to hide the fact." Yet another win for the Japanese Everyman.
This information went largely unremarked upon for years, until "much vaunted" became more concrete in 2012 when GQ cited Matsui's porn collection as 55,000 videos strong:
The owner of 55,000 adult vids, Matsui ran out of gifts for writers at his first American press event. "Sorry," he said, "I'll get porn for the rest of you."
Free porn for writers! What a guy! Not much has been said about Matsui's skin collection since then, although our own Drew Magary tried once tried to figure out if Matsui could have possibly watched all of those videos, and decided that he had probably just watched each one for a few seconds.
Well, that's clearly going to change now. Matsui is about to enter a new stage of his life, one that is filled with leisure and decadence and a constant stream of fresh pornography. If only the rest of us could be so lucky. Oh, right, we have the internet. I almost forgot about that.
Hideki Matsui To Announce Retirement, Will Have Plenty Of Time To Enjoy His Massive Porn Collection