Preach The Good Word
Friend Gang
Check in for days numbered when you are feeling demonic impulses trying to sway you away from being a prime competitor in the gym. This means smoking, drinking poisonous liquids and other such bad behaviors.
I'll start as an example, though my angelic lifestyle has been active for quite longer.
Day #1.
It's summertime friends. Let's stay in good physical shape and use oxygen to fight our chances of cancer. The easier it is for oxygen to travel your vessels the less likely for cancer, stroke, diabetes and other deadly diseases.
Good luck friends!
I'll start as an example, though my angelic lifestyle has been active for quite longer.
Day #1.
It's summertime friends. Let's stay in good physical shape and use oxygen to fight our chances of cancer. The easier it is for oxygen to travel your vessels the less likely for cancer, stroke, diabetes and other deadly diseases.
Good luck friends!