Herschel Walker workout plan

Elle Seven

Mar 31, 2017
Question sounds crazy, I know, but I'm curious if anyone here follows a similar workout regime.

I just learned about who Herschel Walker was about two months ago and, just a night ago, just learned about his workout regime of daily push-ups and sit-ups to stay in shape. He couples that with eating once a day, I think.

It seems like a way to keep the core strong and just keep less wear and tear on the body in general. According to my father, this man was unsurpassed as an athlete in his youth and prime by doing this faithfully. I read that he still does this, even now.

Is there anyone else who subscribes to a 'simple' workout regime like this and, as a result, has found a notable level of strength, endurance and agility, or have you found you have to do 'more'?

Just curious


Apr 30, 2012
1st Round Playoff Exits
Idk about eating couple times a day. I guess sometimes it happens that way for me. There's some days, i forget to pack a snack so i have from 1pm to 9pm is my jugg of water, but when i come home, I'm killing everything i have in sight. Good thing, i only buy "healthy" stuff.

But for the past 6 months or so, I've been doing a routine of calisthenics from because i haven't felt driving to or dealing with the gym crowd. I've seen great results, but I've already had a strong core. It can be great for maintaining and even building.

But the difference with me is already have a sound diet and plenty of years conditioning, so it's naturally easy for me to pull off.....

I do have access to a fitness center but i use it minimally.

My regime is something like:
1. Warm-up / active stretching(5-10 minutes )
2. 4-6 sets of lunges(20-30 reps per leg)
3. 4-6 sets of atg squats (20-30 reps)
4.4-5 sets of pull-ups (til failure)
5. I do circuit(4-5 sets) in my fitness center
(A) chest press (6reps)machine
(B) dips (til failure)no machine
(C)tricep pull down(5-8 reps) machine
(D) push-ups (failure)
6. Second circuit back in my room(4 sets)
(A) pull-ups(til failure)
(B) dips(til failure)
(C) decline push-ups(til failure)
7. Chocolate milk and shower

Point is, it can done. I only recently added on the fitness center, aspect a couple months ago.

My body has gotten a lot more lean and defined while putting on some size and weight. I more or less look like the pics in the starting point thread, except instead of being 185lbs, I'm a physically leaner 200lbs. :wow:


May 3, 2012
Idk about eating couple times a day. I guess sometimes it happens that way for me. There's some days, i forget to pack a snack so i have from 1pm to 9pm is my jugg of water, but when i come home, I'm killing everything i have in sight. Good thing, i only buy "healthy" stuff.

But for the past 6 months or so, I've been doing a routine of calisthenics from because i haven't felt driving to or dealing with the gym crowd. I've seen great results, but I've already had a strong core. It can be great for maintaining and even building.

But the difference with me is already have a sound diet and plenty of years conditioning, so it's naturally easy for me to pull off.....

I do have access to a fitness center but i use it minimally.

My regime is something like:
1. Warm-up / active stretching(5-10 minutes )
2. 4-6 sets of lunges(20-30 reps per leg)
3. 4-6 sets of atg squats (20-30 reps)
4.4-5 sets of pull-ups (til failure)
5. I do circuit(4-5 sets) in my fitness center
(A) chest press (6reps)machine
(B) dips (til failure)no machine
(C)tricep pull down(5-8 reps) machine
(D) push-ups (failure)
6. Second circuit back in my room(4 sets)
(A) pull-ups(til failure)
(B) dips(til failure)
(C) decline push-ups(til failure)
7. Chocolate milk and shower

Point is, it can done. I only recently added on the fitness center, aspect a couple months ago.

My body has gotten a lot more lean and defined while putting on some size and weight. I more or less look like the pics in the starting point thread, except instead of being 185lbs, I'm a physically leaner 200lbs. :wow:
you doing this like 5 times a week? pull ups mustve killed u at first

Elle Seven

Mar 31, 2017
post his workout

I'm not sure what Mr. Walker' s workout is now. The number my father gave me was like 1000 pushups and situps each day, but that's just generalization.

The point I was trying to make is his workout requires no special equipment or gym membership - just basic exercises and running to condition the body over time. I'm sure probably does more than sit ups and pushups, too, but I just thought it was impressive what he achieved by doing basic exercises consistently and repeatedly.

I imagine having the tenacity alone to accomplish this would be what dissuaded the average person.


All Star
Jun 5, 2015
There's a documentary out there. I can't remember if I saw it on youtube or Netflix but it's on one of those. Anyway, he goes into detail about how they were dirt poor and he got in shape for football just by doing sprints, push ups, and sit ups. I'm sure genetics played a part but this was a routine he did everyday. There was no 3 day split bro science back then. That's why I always laugh when these guys say you will over train if you lift more than 3-4 days per week. The reality is that most people are lazy and they will look for reasons to not work out.


Apr 30, 2012
1st Round Playoff Exits
There's a documentary out there. I can't remember if I saw it on youtube or Netflix but it's on one of those. Anyway, he goes into detail about how they were dirt poor and he got in shape for football just by doing sprints, push ups, and sit ups. I'm sure genetics played a part but this was a routine he did everyday. There was no 3 day split bro science back then. That's why I always laugh when these guys say you will over train if you lift more than 3-4 days per week. The reality is that most people are lazy and they will look for reasons to not work out.
Overtraining is real when you're not some elite lifter.

For me, i used workout 4-6 times a week and i went hard for the first 2-3 years of my training. Then @MMS put me on to strong lifts i gained so much strength and size while working out less. That's when i realized how important recovery time is. I thought not touching a muscle group for 48 hours was enough. But the gains really came when i didnt work out at all, instead of doing an opposing muscle group.

My lifts went from average to damn near elite.

Now I'm not saying working out more cant be done, but i used to do pullups and dips everyday to get real good at them, but its not for everyone, you have to be a fine tuned athlete or on the juice to see the benefits of training so frequently...


Bang Bang Packers gang!
May 2, 2012
So. Cal
Idk about eating couple times a day. I guess sometimes it happens that way for me. There's some days, i forget to pack a snack so i have from 1pm to 9pm is my jugg of water, but when i come home, I'm killing everything i have in sight. Good thing, i only buy "healthy" stuff.

But for the past 6 months or so, I've been doing a routine of calisthenics from because i haven't felt driving to or dealing with the gym crowd. I've seen great results, but I've already had a strong core. It can be great for maintaining and even building.

But the difference with me is already have a sound diet and plenty of years conditioning, so it's naturally easy for me to pull off.....

I do have access to a fitness center but i use it minimally.

My regime is something like:
1. Warm-up / active stretching(5-10 minutes )
2. 4-6 sets of lunges(20-30 reps per leg)
3. 4-6 sets of atg squats (20-30 reps)
4.4-5 sets of pull-ups (til failure)
5. I do circuit(4-5 sets) in my fitness center
(A) chest press (6reps)machine
(B) dips (til failure)no machine
(C)tricep pull down(5-8 reps) machine
(D) push-ups (failure)
6. Second circuit back in my room(4 sets)
(A) pull-ups(til failure)
(B) dips(til failure)
(C) decline push-ups(til failure)
7. Chocolate milk and shower

Point is, it can done. I only recently added on the fitness center, aspect a couple months ago.

My body has gotten a lot more lean and defined while putting on some size and weight. I more or less look like the pics in the starting point thread, except instead of being 185lbs, I'm a physically leaner 200lbs. :wow:

U on that full body routine breh? I just started the upper lower split. shyt is better then the 5 days chest/tris, back/bis/ shoulders/ legs crap