If your opponent is cheating and getting away with it, why are you still bound by the rules? That's being a sucker. The point I've been trying to make is that the Dems are actually fine with the policies the Reps want because those are the policies the major donors to the Dems want. They can't come out and say this, of course.
"Both sides!"
Well, yes. Since the 90's, since the Bill Clinton days, both major parties have indeed been funded and controlled by the same mega-rich donor class. It used to be different, but that old Democratic party is gone. They decided to go get the bag.
"Keep voting for us to keep the decline slow and managed!"
They don't hear you bruh
They call anyone who questions the futility, complacency, and downright weakness of the Dems as support for the GOP
They never want to address why the Dems are always playing from behind.
Why didn't they have a plan in place to take over the supreme Court?
Why don't they "play dirty" and "reverse redline" in order to eat into Republican voting strongholds?
Why don't they have a plan like this one in the OP that they are ringing the alarms to scare people into voting once again?
The Dem party is REACTIVE and not PROACTIVE
And anytime they get someone in the mix who might actually shake things up and put up a fight against the GOP and be aggressive with progressive policy they cut them off at the legs young or old (Bernie, AOC and the squad)
They made they decision to be middle of the aisle and fundraise..that's it.
They gonna forever lose till they change this.But the old guard is complacent.