Life is absurd. Lean into it.
Stop trying to replace the concept of “good” and “bad” with “better” or “worse”
Keep doing what you’ve always done and you will get what you have always gotten
To not realize this is to dive head first into insanity
It's insanity thinking not voting and potentially letting Republicans win everything will be anything other than a net loss.
While I do agree with support of Ukraine, because I see what's larger at play...The optics do look bad, and it's why I'm not a fan of Biden. He doesn't even pretend to entertain certain things. I honestly wish he would've picked a better VP or groomed someone else for 2024. The party isn't very forward-looking and it's going to bite the party in the ass if not 2024, definitely 2026 and 2028. I get we want Trump out the paint, but Trump destroyed political norms forever and gave morons the blueprint for the republican party to get shyt done. It's the Roy Cohn school of politics, which is the WORST version of politics; deny, lie, attack with aggression.They told us they need to research the research for reperations. Guess Biden and Co must still be working on the research. Meanwhile sanctuary cities refused to cooperate with how the gov wanted illegals handled,and they still get 27 billion a year according to Forbes. And when questions get asked about how money was spent like in Chicago,officials refuse to say where the moneys going.
So your right thats not on the illegals. The illegals are only getting what they negotiated and asked for. Oh thats right,they didnt have to ask to for shyt. Dems just saw a non voting group needed help and they provided. And the money likely being used for these govt officials own personal gain(money laundering)
Meanwhile you say its all about tedious comprimise. Well you also know politics is about optics. So shelling out assistance to Ukraine(dont tell me its not in cash),and shelling out money to illegals, While always telling black folks to wait,be patient,the countries too broke? You have to admit its a bad look. There is no hate,we will be rooting for Ukraine,the illegals,and the LGBT community to #Voteharder and pull out the win
Its not about getting everything you want. Good negotiation is demanding alot,but recieving some of what you ask for. But you all say its political sabatogue of the Dems to ask or even discusss/negotiate. We can fake ask Republicans what they are going to do for black people too if it would make you feel better
Politics isn't just voting, it's working the system to get what you want. It's building a multipoint agenda and honestly a PAC to lobby and get what you want. I'm not mad at Cube for putting a CWBA together. A lot of his agenda i agree with. I think him being the spokesperson and the timing of him sitting down with Trump; the optics looked bad for that.
There's no reason we can't form a new PAC with a wildly different agenda than the NAACP or the Congressional Black Caucus, or BLM. The first two are outdated and I personally think BLM has other agendas besides BLM.
It's time, we can do it...BLM showed us people can be galvanized and it can be done. We just shouldn't have the same agenda as them.