Heritage Foundation unveils “Project 2025” to dismantle the U.S. federal government in Trump’s second term

Are you concerned?

  • Total voters

Amestafuu (Emeritus)

May 8, 2012
You have your own countries politics to worry about. Speak on that instead. Canada is a mess too and youve been dead silent about it.
That was the fukking point, the cross influence slow fakkit. :snoop: Also nobody is silent we have a mega thread right on this page full of discourse on Canadian politics. Just because you don't click doesn't mean I'm silent.

Dear Lord bless our smooth brained board members 🙏
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All Star
Dec 12, 2019
We need to just take a step back, look at America as a whole and admit this is what it is.

We gonna be doing the same shyt another 50 years in the future?


Sep 14, 2019
Trump will go down worse than Hitler and Stalin. Hitler killed 100 million jews, Trump will murder much much more people, especially blacks. His number one goal is to kill all blacks.

the trolls going crazy itt
I believe the number was 6M

That's honestly a conservative number, especially if you don't count the 'others' (non-white, gays, disabled, communist agitators) and people who died during the war.


Sep 14, 2019
Have you ever seen a Left wing and right wing fly in an opposite direction


All Star
Jan 29, 2014
Your problem is you're assuming that each side is symmetrical. No one said the democrats are great, matter fact, I'd reckon most of the people in this thread are sick of them too. Doesn't mean we're going to let one party get into control that wants to burn 80 years of progress down so the country can go back to the 1950's socially and demographically. That's what these Republicans want. They want to go back to 1950's America.
Stop trying to replace the concept of “good” and “bad” with “better” or “worse”

Keep doing what you’ve always done and you will get what you have always gotten

To not realize this is to dive head first into insanity

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
Migrants aren't "starving" you out of resources. Billionaire elites who refuse to pay their fair share are. The right wing propaganda machine has got a lot of you punching down when you should be punching up.

They told us they need to research the research for reperations. Guess Biden and Co must still be working on the research. Meanwhile sanctuary cities refused to cooperate with how the gov wanted illegals handled,and they still get 27 billion a year according to Forbes. And when questions get asked about how money was spent like in Chicago,officials refuse to say where the moneys going.

So your right thats not on the illegals. The illegals are only getting what they negotiated and asked for. Oh thats right,they didnt have to ask to for shyt. Dems just saw a non voting group needed help and they provided. And the money likely being used for these govt officials own personal gain(money laundering):respect:

I don't really disagree with most of your points.

But none of that invalidates my point about any constituency getting everything they want. That goes for the MAGA republicans that this very thread is about, LGBTQ, Asians, Hispanics, whatever demographic. If you show me a demographic, I'll show you a platform that isn't being fully satisfied.

This also doesn't invalidate my point that no tangibles/no vote was a ill-advised movement at best. If we want reparations, if we want police reform, if we want better funding for schools, we need to put up and stand behind candidates who have that platform locally and nationally; preferably locally to start.

If you don't vote not only will candidates not campaign for your goals, but you will start to lose what we already have. Very little is guaranteed by the constitution and a local level; certainly not social programs and the taxes that pay for them.

Meanwhile you say its all about tedious comprimise. Well you also know politics is about optics. So shelling out assistance to Ukraine(dont tell me its not in cash),and shelling out money to illegals, While always telling black folks to wait,be patient,the countries too broke? You have to admit its a bad look. There is no hate,we will be rooting for Ukraine,the illegals,and the LGBT community to #Voteharder and pull out the win:respect:

Its not about getting everything you want. Good negotiation is demanding alot,but recieving some of what you ask for. But you all say its political sabatogue of the Dems to ask or even discusss/negotiate. We can fake ask Republicans what they are going to do for black people too if it would make you feel better
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Jun 11, 2012
That was the fukking point, the cross influence slow fakkit. :snoop: Also nobody is silent we have a mega thread right on this page full of discourse on Canadian politics. Just because you don't click doesn't mean I'm silent.

Dear Lord bless our smooth brained board members 🙏

Once again,you dont know wtf youre talking about injecting yourself in a thread because your inflated ego wont allow you stay in your place. Biden is the current president. Not Trump. You busy following other ignorant ass posters spreading misinformation acting like there arent white supremacists shooting shyt up with Biden in office. Boy, shut your narcissistic ass up.

Formerly Black Trash

Philosopher, Connoisseur, Future Legend
Aug 2, 2015
Illegals. Go! :mjgrin:

Yes, I realize that, esp when your own elected officials won't even advocate for you.

Taxes from black cities are currently being expended on, again, NON CITIZENS WHO DON'T VOTE. How does that work? Politically, I mean. Who's voting on their behalf?

Or could it be that voting is not the most important part of the equation?

Also a real question. You seem reasonable. :jbhmm:
Black ppl...permanent under class

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
Illegals. Go! :mjgrin:

Yes, I realize that, esp when your own elected officials won't even advocate for you.

Taxes from black cities are currently being expended on, again, NON CITIZENS WHO DON'T VOTE. How does that work? Politically, I mean. Who's voting on their behalf?

Or could it be that voting is not the most important part of the equation?

Also a real question. You seem reasonable. :jbhmm:

Yall know shes Ivy League right:wow:?

We get told the importance of voting,and how we need to #VoteHarder to get what we want. Meanwhile a non voting group getting alot of funding and energy. Democrats willing to take alot of heat defending them.

Could it be the potential for more latino votes in the future? Votes that would further make our votes less impactful? That would allow Dems to completely disregard blacks and our vote?

But supposedly illegals arent taking anything from black people. As yall tell us voting is how you get things,out the other side of your mouth. How will you get things in the future when your votes less relevant? With or without illegals,the latino vote is surging. I suggest you get something while you still can.

"Yall need to start focusing on the latino vote:ufdup:"-Biden to so called black leaders


Waxing Intellectual
Apr 14, 2013
Phi Chi Connection
Illegals. Go! :mjgrin:

Yes, I realize that, esp when your own elected officials won't even advocate for you.

Taxes from black cities are currently being expended on, again, NON CITIZENS WHO DON'T VOTE. How does that work? Politically, I mean. Who's voting on their behalf?

Or could it be that voting is not the most important part of the equation?

Also a real question. You seem reasonable. :jbhmm:
Illegals don't have a platform. They're illegal lol. It's scattered at best. If you're illegal and you enter the country illegally, and the government can determine that immediately, they should turn them right back around unless they are refugees/seeking asylum. And this generally is done, it even earned Obama the nickname "Deporter-in-Chief". Kamala Harris got shyt for her take on illegal immigration. It's not like it's being endorsed by democratic politicians to just hop the border and consume our resources and tax dollars. The challenge I think is, it can't initially be determined.

It's my understanding, most illegals DO NOT enter the country illegally, they simply overstay their visa. It's also my understanding that net illegal immigration is down tremendously in the last 10-15 years. Legal immigrants not yet citizens are guaranteed some rights and services by law.

I know you're acutely aware of the illegals dumped in New York given your screen name. And living in Chicago, I've been able to bare witness to the same. I drove past the police station at Cabrini Green yesterday and they set up tent city outside the station. I don't fully understand the situation with them being bussed here from red states and whether they are being worked through the system. There is a due process I imagine before they determine whether or not they send them back to their country of origin. And yes there is tens of millions of dollars being allocated which is a lot of money, but most of the services are afforded by law, the challenge here is its unbudgeted because red states are just sending an increased influx of immigrants to get them off their books.

If they weren't afforded these services they would just roam the streets which is probably a far worse scenario, because if they need to send them back, they won't be able to find them, some of these people have a criminal history and you don't want them roaming the streets wither.

I think the advocacy on their behalf comes from a number of altruistic/social/legal organizations like the ACLU and the like. I don't think it's people voting on their behalf. I also think it's companies turning a blind eye to their immigration status. I have a work story about a company I used to work for that I'm fairly certain specifically sought out undocumenteds.

Admittedly, I'm somewhat green on immigration in general. You've sparked my curiosity and I'm gonna dig further on it.

I say all that to say, not voting isn't going to solve a disproportionate number of tax dollars going to illegal immigrants. Not voting is getting us to a situation where there will be less for black folk, and honestly it's getting us to a point where our vote means even less as Republicans continuously gerrymander districts so that our vote doesn't even count. And when that happens it REALLY won't matter if we vote or not.


cross that bridge
May 5, 2012
As usual, who's going to stop them? :yeshrug: January 6th was only a precursor and Dems haven't done shyt to put anything in place to prevent it again.

Proud boys founder just got hit with 22 years. :skip:
Trust, if these clowns try to run up on the capitol again they are getting swiss cheesed up. Chest, face gone... Streaming live from hundreds of different angles.

I really hope they try it again. :takedat:


Waxing Intellectual
Apr 14, 2013
Phi Chi Connection
Stop trying to replace the concept of “good” and “bad” with “better” or “worse”

Keep doing what you’ve always done and you will get what you have always gotten

To not realize this is to dive head first into insanity

They told us they need to research the research for reperations. Guess Biden and Co must still be working on the research. Meanwhile sanctuary cities refused to cooperate with how the gov wanted illegals handled,and they still get 27 billion a year according to Forbes. And when questions get asked about how money was spent like in Chicago,officials refuse to say where the moneys going.

So your right thats not on the illegals. The illegals are only getting what they negotiated and asked for. Oh thats right,they didnt have to ask to for shyt. Dems just saw a non voting group needed help and they provided. And the money likely being used for these govt officials own personal gain(money laundering):respect:

Meanwhile you say its all about tedious comprimise. Well you also know politics is about optics. So shelling out assistance to Ukraine(dont tell me its not in cash),and shelling out money to illegals, While always telling black folks to wait,be patient,the countries too broke? You have to admit its a bad look. There is no hate,we will be rooting for Ukraine,the illegals,and the LGBT community to #Voteharder and pull out the win:respect:

Its not about getting everything you want. Good negotiation is demanding alot,but recieving some of what you ask for. But you all say its political sabatogue of the Dems to ask or even discusss/negotiate. We can fake ask Republicans what they are going to do for black people too if it would make you feel better
I'll get back to y'all. Busy day at work...but I want to address both of these.


Uptown Thoroughbred
Jun 10, 2018
Admittedly, I'm somewhat green on immigration in general. You've sparked my curiosity and I'm gonna dig further on it.
Please do, it's disgusting. If you don't know what's going on (like the COST), our protestations lack context.

And yes there is tens of millions of dollars being allocated which is a lot of money,

New York taxpayers will shell out $4.65 billion for education-related expenses, $3.5 billion for health care and welfare expenditures including food assistance programs, and $1.75 billion for costs related to immigration-related law enforcement such as caring for unaccompanied minors, the report breakdown states.

You cannot reasonably expect us to go along with this. No one can. The wp in Staten Island bout to secede and bp can't even bring this up in conversation. Many black NY'ers, especially in this expensive ass city, depend on those services and have fukking already paid for them with decades of taxes.

I know this is massively off topic, but if every thread about republicans turns into "vote blue, no matter who", this issue will be re-litigated every time. I hate that the Democrats won't just do right, but here we are.