@nikkahs B. Wildin I jus get tired of waking up and seeing all this weight
I feel you man.
At the end of the day all you have is you. That's why I preached then(back when I was a certified personal trainer) and preach now bodyweight exercises.
I appreciate being held accountable so for my clients who would literally have those excuses, "I ran out of creatine so I didn't lift" or "I didn't have anymore pre-workout so I didn't have the energy to make it to the gym" or " I couldn't afford my gym membership this week" , "it was too snowy/rainy/late/early to go to the gym"
If you don't have the gumption to get down on the floor and do push-ups or bodyweight squats which are always available and free then there's no powder, pill, drink, or piece of equipment that you'll be denied access to that'll work. Anything is always better than nothing and you don't have to do bodyweight exercises, you may love that your gym has an elliptical or stair master or something that you base your entire workout around- I get it. I've been there I was at a point one time where when I couldn't get to the gym to use/do what I wanted then basically I wasn't going to workout that day. That's not a way to meet any type of goal.
If you put 10% of effort your going to get 10% of the results. If you put 80% of the effort then you'll get 80%. You don't have to go hard like your training for NFL tryouts or anything. You have the entire rest of your life to live healthy. A Lil workout 3-5 a week isn't much.
If it helps open up your calendar on your phone and schedule a workout everyday. Then when it pops up either accept it or snooze it. Then at the end of the month look at what you've accomplished.