Help: Looking To Live Off A Loan For A Year While Building A Business

Red Maverick II

Special A Class Hunter
May 3, 2012
Is it possible to take out a loan to cover my living expenses for 1 year before having to start paying the loan back? Kind of like how most student loans work where you only have to pay it back after x years?

I want to start a blog and monetize it to the point where I can make a full time income off of it. Originally I was going to work on the blog part time, and keep a full time job to cover expenses.

The thing is,I REALLY hate working traditional jobs. I just started a new job last week and already I'm getting the itch to quit because I feel like I just traded one plantation for another. I be wanting to quit every time I walk outside and see the open road lol.

I figure could push the blog to commercial success in a year's time if all I did was focus on the blog and didn't have to worry about working for money.

Any advice / insight is appreciated.