-After a Mark Henry vs. John Cena match on Raw a while back, Ryback came out to take out Mark Henry and then he turned heel and attacked Cena. He says Cena didn't save him from Shield beatdowns numerous times in the past. Says Cena only cared about himself and his 'redemption' story going into Mania. He's strayed away from "Feed Me More!" in favor of "Ryback Rules!"
-Kaitlyn(still champion) has a secret admirer who has been giving her gifts for weeks now. She's feuding with AJ(won a number 1 contenders battle royal) with the Bella twins also lurking.
-Ziggler was to defend his title in a triple threat ladder match with Swagger and Del Rio but he got a concussion(legit) due to a kick to the head from Swagger. Now Swagger and Del Rio are still feuding and are having a number 1 contenders I Quit match at the ppv tonight.
-Kofi Kingston beat Antonio Cearo to win the US title on Raw. Next Raw over Big E attacked Kofi after a match with Ziggler. On Main Event Cesaro lost to Kofi again, then he snatched out one of Kofi's dreadlocks backstage for revenge(Kofi hasn't gotten back at Cesaro for this yet). Fast forward to a Shield vs. Kofi and the Usos match, they lose, Kofi is about to be handed his US title back. Ambrose looks at it. Eh, something like that. Anyway Ambrose vs. Kofi is happening now.
-Team Hell No is feuding with The Shield, leading up to the titles being on the line tonight. Branched off from the Shield vs. Taker, Kane and Bryan match on Raw a while back(they had history before that going back to TLC last year). Lead to a series of matches featuring them(Ambrose vs. Taker on Smackdown, Ambrose vs. Bryan on Smackdown, Kane vs. Rollins on Main Event and various confrontations and beatdowns)
-Speaking of Taker, the Shield took him out with a triple powerbomb through the announce table following the Ambrose vs. Taker match on Smackdown a few weeks back.
-Wade Barrett is the Intercontinental champion after losing the title to The Miz at Mania then regaining the title the day after on Raw. He currently has no feud for real but Sin Cara just beat him on Smackdown so they might do one of those spontaneous matches at the ppv and let them go at it there.
-Big Show and Randy Orton are still feuding as an extension of the result of their Mania match vs. The Shield.
-Mark Henry and Sheamus are feuding now. For a while Henry just tackled him backstage out of the blue, I think that's how it started. Anyway they've been showing how strong Henry is with him pulling trucks backstage and having tug a wars with Tensai and Brodus Clay. Basically it's a feud between two guys who want to see whose tougher. It leads up to a strap match at the ppv, the stipulation came to past after Henry took a belt from someone at ringside(camera man I think) and whipped Sheamus with it.
-Fandango and Jericho are still feuding in an extension of their Mania feud. Fandango's blonde dancer(Summer Rae) recently faked an injury on Raw leading to a beatdown of Jericho after the dance off.
-HHH and Lesnar are still feuding, Extreme Rules will be the 3rd match that they've had together in the feud. Cage match. Lesnar went into the WWE headquarters and tore up HHH's office.
There was foreshadowing(maybe) of Brock taking notice of a Rock poster on the wall and him holding a replica of the World Title.
-Forgot to add: After his loss to the Undertaker at Mania CM Punk came out on Raw for a promo he then stopped himself and walked out. He hasn't returned since.