If you have a flip flop programme, you'll have a flip flop body... Great arms, no chest, great chest and shoulders, lack of ab visibility...you never want that unbalanced look.
Also cardiovascular stuff tends to be more about oxygen retention and all that cardio science stuff, whereas lifting tends to be about breaking up muscle fibre, recovery, eating foods that most help with that synthesis process.. So if you're training like you're running the marathon one week, and then switching up to training like you're going for NFL or Rugby trials, then back to the Tour De France...
That sounds iffy to me.
You can do cardio in the morning and lift later, or lift first followed by a sprint session, but all within the same day or the same session..... You can bike, then go do upper body etc all within one day
But to completely flip a programme seems crazy to me. It's very easy to run, then lift, then do Calisthenics DAILY.. But the results speak for themselves.
It boils down to what you wanna look and feel like.
That's my unsiecetific take.