Hardcore Legend speaks on fandango,getting over with vince,CM Gawd,Randall speaks,AJ

The Prince of All Saiyans

Formerly Jisoo Stan & @Twitter
May 1, 2012
Former WWE Superstar Bob "Hardcore" Holly recently spoke to WrestlingHeels Radio about WWE, the Brock Lesnar injury, Triple H and NASCAR. Here are some highlights from the interview:

Fandango and being Vince's pet project:

"If you're Vince's pet project, you pretty much – you're a shoe-in there. And all you got to do is just listen to him and do what he asks of you, and you'll have it made because he'll make sure that you get over. He will. Just do what he says. And listen to him. And you will get over. So yeah, if he's got Vince behind him like that, that guy's got it made.

"And another thing I love about what he [Fandango] does too is the way he gets in the ring. After he makes his entrance, watch the way he gets in the ring. He does that. Nobody's ever done it that way. And to me, that's different, and I like that. But yeah if he's Vince's pet project, the guy's got it made. He just has to make sure he listens to him and doesn't get the attitude well, I'm gonna do what I want to do, despite of what he says. Because then that'll be the demise of him. Which hopefully – I think he's smart enough and he knows who to listen to. So I wish the guy all the best. I really do. I really do."

CM Punk's backstage demeanor:

"To me, he seemed like he was happy. He really did. it's hard to tell. He wasn't one to complain at all. You'd never hear him complain. So you wouldn't know if something was wrong. I mean, I talked to him. We talked all the time in the locker room, just talking about anything, in general.

"And one thing I will say – and I have a ton of respect for Punk. I really do. And he was always happy for me whenever they would start doing something for me. 'Cause he always said you deserve it, and stuff like that. And he was one of the guys who always told me he was happy for me whenever anything good would come along for me. And that meant a lot to me.

"And I've always had tons of respect for him. And especially after I started working with him because here's a guy that he brings it. He will bring it to you. And I respect that out of him because whatever I did to him, he did back to me. And I really enjoyed that. That's what I like out of guys that'll bring it. And I always enjoyed working with him.

" The first time I worked with him, it was kind of – we had kind of a different style. But after we started working a couple times, I really enjoyed working with the guy. I really, really did. But he was always very kind. Always very kind in the locker room. And anywhere you'd go and talk to him, he was always really, really nice. If he stuck around for 5 more years with the WWE he can be one of the greatest"
- WWE Sueprstar Randy Orton recently was recently interviewed by Comcast and gave some interesting insight on his future as a WWE Superstar:

"I wouldn't say I'm WWE for life, I'd say my near future will consist of me primarily being in the ring," Orton said. "Wrestling is my first love. The movie was fun, but the schedule was grueling because I had to fly off on my off days to film. Eight weeks went by and I had three days off. If I do the movie thing, I'll be sure that I'm only doing the movie so I can concentrate on it. (Laughs) I think I'd be more sane that way."
looks like he doesn't wanna sell out and go that route regardless of the offers:skip:
WWE Diva AJ Lee was recently interviewed by FayObserver.com to promote one of this weekend's WWE Live Events. One of the more newsworthy quotes came when she was asked about how much of a "diva" she is in real life:

"Diva is a funny word because the connotation isn't the greatest," Lee said. "For me, it means being smart, sexy and powerful. It's my goal to redefine the word. I'm in the WWE, but right now I'm at home on my couch watching Arrested Development. I work out and hang out with my dog and play video games. I'm not the diva archetype; I'm 115 pounds with no curves. I'm the 'homely diva,' but I'm proud to be so different and to be a face of the WWE."

The Prince of All Saiyans

Formerly Jisoo Stan & @Twitter
May 1, 2012
2013 TNA Hall of Fame member Kurt Angle recently tweeted about the honor - noting that WWE really needs to "give him his props" and induct him into their Hall of Fame:

"I've Been Inducted in Every Amatuer and Pro Hall Of fame. Except Wwe and that is Next. I Will Be the Only One. :smile:

"it's in Honor in TNA. But WWE Needs to Give Me My Props. We Will See Someday. Much Love."
:scheme: i hope vince doesn't ever give him that induction