Black Panther

Long Live The King
Nov 20, 2016
Who's celebrating? :blackpblessed:

What's Juneteenth? A Guide To Celebrating America's Second Independence Day

Today may feel like just another Tuesday, but it is actually a day of celebration for many. Just check your iPhone—Apple recently expanded the holidays noted on its U.S. calendar—you’ll find that today is Juneteenth. For many, Juneteenth is a day of American patriotism, celebrated with barbecues and baseball games, parades and parties, rodeos and reunions, much like the Fourth of July. Confused? Read on to find out why some refer to Juneteenth as the Black Fourth of July or America’s second Independence Day.

The key fact is that July 4, 1776, symbolizes the day when white Americans became free. Enslaved black Americans did not. Many of us, myself included, forget this on Independence Day. But, it wasn’t until almost 100 years later that the Emancipation Proclamation eliminated slavery, and more than two years after that when the end of slavery was actually communicated to all who were enslaved. For that reason, Independence Day has always been a poorly and ironically named holiday. Abolitionist (and formerly enslaved American) Frederick Douglass made this point on Independence Day, 1852: “What, to the American slave, is your Fourth of July? I answer: a day that reveals to him, more than all other days in the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is constant victim.”

That is a pretty massive asterisk on a day we equate with liberty and freedom. Independence Day might be more accurately thought of as Independence Day*, where the asterisk signals a “certain terms and conditions may apply” caveat to the celebration of independence.

This brings us to Juneteenth, also known as June 19. Juneteenth started in Texas in 1865 when 250,000 enslaved people were liberated (note the delay - the Emancipation Proclamation was signed on January 1, 1863). Historians debate which is the right date to commemorate the end of slavery; in fact, some African-Americans worship in Watch Night church services on New Year’s Eve. Unpacking all of the historical details is complicated; it’s a bit of a long story. But culturally speaking, June 19 has taken on the symbolic meaning of the day when the land of the free became less of a false narrative.

If you have not heard of Juneteenth, you are not alone. Statistics about how many Americans know about Juneteenth are hard to come by but I did a non-scientific poll of friends and acquaintances across the country and three patterns emerged. If you are of any race and have lived in Texas, or if you are African-American living anywhere in the United States, or if you caught the Juneteenth episodes of the hit TV shows Atlanta in 2018 or Black-ish in 2017, the odds seem higher that you know about Juneteenth. Some people told me they attended Juneteenth celebrations every year. Others told me that they look forward to seeing joyous photos and jubilant videos from Juneteenth celebrations throughout the United States, even if they did not attend them in person. Many reported that social media has made the day and its celebrations more visible.

Still, some who had not heard of Juneteenth seemed genuinely surprised to hear it was a thing and until a few years ago, I was in this group. But once you start to read a bit, it becomes clear that this is not a new or made-up or greeting card holiday. Apple did not go rogue with their calendar. Juneteenth is officially recognized or observed in at least 45 states plus the District of Columbia. It is a known and meaningful day to many Americans, which brings up the question of why it is not a known and meaningful day to all Americans.

Our awareness gap may be reflective of a more significant issue. Historiographer James Loewen—who studies how we study history—spent two years at the Smithsonian studying American history textbooks. He found that they tend to present slavery as if it was an external event, like a natural disaster. “Somehow we ended up with four million slaves in America but no owners,” he writes in Lies My Teacher Told Me. Bestselling author Ta-Nehisi Coates writes of “patriotism a la carte” in which we celebrate the veteran and forget the slave owner. Writer Vann R. Newkirk II speaks of the “dizzying contradiction” that is America and the “belated liberation” Juneteenth celebrates. He says “Juneteenth is the purest distillation of the evils that still plague America, and a celebration of the good people who fought those evils. It is tragedy and comedy, hope and setbacks.” Celebrating July 4, but dismissing June 19, sells America short.

If we remember only July 4, we not only misremember the past, we misunderstand the present. Most of us are in organizations actively engaged in diversity and inclusion efforts. Many of us are navigating a complicated racial landscape in our country. These efforts are in vain in a historical or cultural vacuum. We see only symptoms – the persistent and potentially deadly cough – but fail to diagnose what led to that cough. Without the right diagnosis, we only treat symptoms. We put in the training program and fight the class action suit, but our underlying illness remains. Most of us want to go beyond the symptoms and there are ways to do this.

Black Panther

Long Live The King
Nov 20, 2016
We only been “free” for four or five generations :wow:.

Blessings to our ancestors who made it possible:blessed:

It's important for brehs to understand:

For the majority of American history, Black people haven't been considered full citizens of the United States.

On top of that, the Civil Rights Act was passed in 1964, so we've only been full citizens by law for...

...54 years.

That's why I don't tolerate cacs who talk about "slavery's over", "there's no more racial discrimination", or "you're pulling the race card".

Most of the people who say that were alive during that time when Blacks weren't guaranteed equal protections under the law.:mindblown::pacspit:


Jan 8, 2014
Dallas, TX
It's important for brehs to understand:

For the majority of American history, Black people haven't been considered full citizens of the United States.

On top of that, the Civil Rights Act was passed in 1964, so we've only been full citizens by law for...

...54 years.

That's why I don't tolerate cacs who talk about "slavery's over", "there's no more racial discrimination", or "you're pulling the race card".

Most of the people who say that were alive during that time when Blacks weren't guaranteed equal protections under the law.:mindblown::pacspit:
If we're going to be honest we are still living in that time.


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation

Black Panther

Long Live The King
Nov 20, 2016
PBS had a great story about a backdoor slavery system that existed in the us up until th 30s. That’s where all our loitering laws come from. It was a way to snatch black men off the street and put them to work in labor camps

"Slavery By Another Name". Was based on a book. Very good documentary. Hold this rep for bringing it up. :bpsalute:

Another good resource is "The New Jim Crow", a book about mass incarceration of Blacks. If you've watched the doc "13th", it'll be very interesting. :myman:

Sauce Dab

Feb 28, 2015
Happy Juneteenth brehs